Thursday, 9 May 2013

Reasons to be cheerful - week 10

So its that time again to look over the blessings that we have and the reason why were so blooming happy!

1) was a lovely bank holiday weekend spend plenty of time with the family loved it

2) if you saw recent posts we are expecting baby number 3!!!!

3) Were not going on holiday in the half term due to my husbands work but i also have a day to get my smart card ready for real work as of September *bites fingernails*

4) Pants has been such a good boy lately such a nice change

5) Football cancelled again this weekend huzzah you will spend time with us lol

6) Loving the sunshine as of late

7)  Ami has turned into a crawling machine she follows us everywhere such a pickle, weve been thinking of putting sponges on her knees to clean the floors!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
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  1. Congratulations - 3 is hetic but fab x

  2. Another busy week for you, loving the idea of sponges on Ami's knees, I wish I'd thought of that! :-D

    1. Should look on ebay im sure someones invented something like it!

  3. Lovely reasons to be cheerful. Congrats on baby #3!! How exciting xx

  4. Congrats on baby no.3! I love the crawling stage, you need eyes in you butt lol x

    1. yes tell me about it poor pants has had the brunt and so has the tv!!1

  5. Congratulations on baba number 3 <3

    Lovely reasons to be cheerful

    Laura x x x

  6. Lots of lovely family reasons. Mich x

  7. Were you taking a nap on your third? What does getting your smart card in order mean ? How does it help with work? Is it yourself who is biting their fingernails?

    This is intriguing.

    1. Ha Ha thats my dyslexic brain thinking it made sense! ha ha ha!! Smart card is a card to use for a computer! Ive been training to be a nurse finish this july start a job in September!! it was me biting my nails, my husband has a reverse bite he cant bite his nails.... ha ha

  8. Aw love it when babies start crawling! Glad you enjoyed your bank holiday (i know i'm late!) Oh and huge congrats on baby no 3 :-) x
