Thursday, 2 May 2013

Ami your 9 months

Ami your growing up way to fast
your nine months old already
this month as been a good month

you have learnt how to crawl nothing is left untouched now 
you have learnt to pull yourself up and even cruise around 
you make us laugh so much each day your such a blessing

 you have learnt how to clap and clap when ever really happy 
you play peekaboo 
look in your mouth there is two little teeth 

you hair is getting so thick hair clips stay in you look so cute
you make us proud every day 
daddy loves it when he comes home from work and you crawl to him

 you have a spirit of adventure seeking new places mummy has to keep a good eye on you
you love your brother especially when he walks you around
you love to make people laugh 

you love the wind in your face but hate the sunshine
you also love food and have such a good appetite
We love you so much Amilindabear 

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  1. Ami is absolutely and utterly gorgeous :), Love the last cheeky photo xx

  2. That is a fab photo!What a cutie Ami is :-)and yes they grow so fast,dont they! X

  3. Gorgeous photos - especially like the one where she's poking her tongue right out! I've come over from #PoCoLo :)

  4. Love those photos! She'll love you for those when she's 18 :) popped over from #PoCoLo enjoy your #newbieshowcase x

    1. I think i overcompentsate for my parents having little photos of me!

  5. What a lovely post and absolutely gorgeous pics x

  6. Awww that is just so sweet, what a lovely post. This will be a wonderful keepsake for Ami when she's older. Popping over from #PoCoLo

    1. yes its nice to look back and remember I cant remember most of Pants as a baby!

  7. Happy 9 months Ami! fab pictures honey x

  8. Back to say hi and thank you for being the newbie showcase this week over on PoCoLo. Hope you are getting lots of new visits xx

  9. Just so sweet! It goes far too quickly. I blinked and Primrose is 4 and Poppy is 16months. Enjoy! #PoCoLo

  10. Aw how lovely, fab photos too. Jealous of the hair, my two year old still hasn't had her first haircut yet :)
