Friday 13 February 2015

Death where is your sting?

The other day I was just thinking how crazy my life is sometimes, I rush and rush and forget a lot of things and It got me thinking how precious life really is, at work we have had a few people who have passed away which has wrecked me. People no older than my parents and it wrecks me. I wonder when I will be able to handle this kind of situation, how can I face a family grieving when I can't hold my self together. It shows I am human people say, that I care. That's the problem I do care, I care that someone passed away surrounded by noise and yet there family were racing in to say there final goodbyes. 

Although how terrible sad death may be I realise how precious life is, how precious time spent with loved ones is. Those early morning wake ups how ever frustrating they are it's only a short time. I sat playing with my daughter and that was so lovely that I forgot about dinner. We didn't mind she had a massive smile and hopefully made some memories. I am learning slowly to try and leave things at work, that however hard a day at work may be I have a beautiful family at home. A supportive husband who makes me tea and listens to me and often takes the brunt of that day. I am blessed so blessed. 

I say this as we head to my husbands Grandads funeral today, we struggled to find a baby sitter as my mother is off to another funeral and unable to have the children. Friends offered but the funeral was a long way away and too long to expect people to look after them.  I was so sad not to be that supportive figure for my husband, standing by his side as he did when my Nanna passed away. That long drive I couldn't bare it him driving on his own, off to say good bye as his grandad is celebrated for going hom with Jesus. So I am going to sit in the car with the babies, sit from a far I just couldn't let him be alone. 

So enjoy life, don't worry about late bedtimes and evenings spent having fun. As life is short and it's those adventures we cherish. Those times with loved ones, I plan to make the most of life, I hope I don't disappoint. Make memories and enjoy the good times. 


  1. I'm sorry you've had a lot of loss in your family lately. But thank you for the poignant post - it's good to be reminded sometimes of what is important and not to let silly things get you down. I love the last sentence. Absolutely right. #PoCoLo

  2. so sorry about your grandad-in-law. We did the same with the kids in the car when they were younger for I funeral I could not bear to miss. The last couple of months have also had unexpected and sudden loss in situations around us and it really does remind us to be thankful and make the most of every day. x

  3. I am so sorry to hear this my lovely - and it must have been so hard not being able to be there to support him :( Very sad. I think it is so great that you went with him on the drive, I am sure he really appreciated it. Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo x
