Saturday, 31 January 2015

Me and Mine - January 2015

This year we are trying hard to have more days out, more adventures and generally more fun as a family. Its hard work in the winter months getting out, today it took half an hour to get all hats, scarfs and shoes on it really was a joke. So with this we went for  a cold walk along Broadstairs beach, I love Broadstairs it reminds me of happy childhood trips on folk week. I even lived there for a short time happy memories.

So heres month 1 of our family pictures typical for us to be on the beach. Little Bear loved it he had not walked on sand before so we could not get him of the beach. Its hard for us to find the time to be together to go out but so worth it when we do. I really love the photos where we arnt looking at camera and laughing. The family seem to hate the photo being taken but I know secretly they love it!

We have had a busy month and nights in have been rare, even more rare are all of us in. It saddens me and I miss us watching films together or just miss everyone. My husband has been working away and me busy at work we are looking for ways to slow down life a bit. It seems go go go at the moment and I do not like it, I feel the time flies and each month my babies are getting older. I am forever playing catch up, the washing pile is high and homework gets missed, no different to any working family I suppose. Next month I plan to have more time together, more adventures and more fun.

So this is us this month, this last photo Pants is really creeping up, I know I am crouched but thats crazy. I have a photo of Pants as a toddler on this very spot. So heres to February and heres to the adventures.


  1. Sara your family snapshots are beautiful for January. Your kiddos are adorable as always too. So jealous you all are always on the sandy beach! lol Even in the winter. Great setting. Lovely #meandmine

  2. What gorgeous photographs! We ADORE Broadstairs and I'm terribly jealous of you for getting to live there!

  3. You're so right — life seems to whizz by SO quickly. I've been trying to think of ways to slow it down too! If you find a way, please let me know! :) Lovely pics as ever — I do envy you, living by the sea! #meandmine

  4. What a fantastic photograph of your family. You are so lucky living down by the Sea. We're land locked in the Midlands so crave to see the seaside #meandmine

  5. I think time just goes faster and faster the older we get; it's just finding that point before swimming turns to sinking! I think your pictures are lovely, it's great to have got outdoors and the beach is always fun!

  6. Lovely photos, and we love Broadstairs beach too x

  7. Such gorgeous photos!!! I know how you feel with it all going by so fast! xx

  8. Gorgeous photos and beautiful location. I am super jealous you live near the beach!

  9. I have beach envy! I haven't seen the sea for far too long!

  10. I love that you get so many beach Me and Mines... I would do all of mine at the beach if I could. We've been trying to make the effort to get out together more on little adventures, and its certainly hard when it's so cold and wet, but so worth it. Thanks so much for linking up with Me and Mine. x

  11. Love these photos, it looks really great in the background - the harbour is so appealing. I want to get on a boat now. Great family fun too. :) #meandmine x

  12. Lovely pictures & we are dreaming of living by the sea one day! hopefully in around 4 years time! xxx

  13. loved these pictures. love the view and everything.
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