Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy new year, heres to a fantastic 2015

So another year has flashed by with out me being ready but we made it through. What a challenging, exciting crazy year. From highs of going on holiday to crying most nights with a baby who would not sleep. It's this year I have seen amazing blessings and changes within our family. We moved from 2 bedroom flat to a 4 bed house and little bear turning 1. I've gone back to work and now the new year is upon us.

I was chatting with my husband about the new year and what we are dreaming for, and for the first time in my life I feel like I do not know what I am doing, not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing but I am kind of trying to enjoy life. Not worrying about the things that get me down and focusing on the blessings. I'm living in the now at the moment seeing what is in store as I have no clue what life is like 6 months down the line. It's exciting and scary at the same time *makes mental note to read In 6 months time!* 

So here is some of my highlights of the last year it has been awfully busy so I hopefully I can remember some of the good stuff!

Finally Graduated hurray

In January I finally graduated from university, you see I started university as a single mum desperate to get a career in something to make my son proud of me and to give him a better life. Little did I know I would get to the end and be where I am today a qualified nurse it took 7 years a lot of study, a lot of missing things and so much stress. Walking down the long halls of. Canterbury cathedral I was a little bit chuffed,  it may have took so much longer and I got married and had two more children it shows I am determined when I set my mind to something. Crazy though all this from a advert in the paper.

All babies sleeping through the nigh (most nights) when Little Bear was 6 months we started to get a full night sleep huzzah! This may not seem like a massive highlight but looking back over the year this was something that stood out. I was suffer erring with post natal depression I think I was being to silly to ask for help and getting up a few times a night was making me feel so low. So when that magical few nights sleep came it was amazing, we have had blimps obviously Ami went through a stage of waking up at 2 every night, very frustrating at times but it's nice to get some sleep now though. They turned a massive 8, 2 and 1 and that brings new challenges but as they say parenting is a learning process!

us on our holiday

Our first ever family holiday was deffo a highlight this year and the kids surprised us at how long they could stay in the car for as the journey home we spent a massive 13 hours in the car which for a 8, 2 and 9 month old was rather good I thought. They loved hanging with all their family and lots of swimming, we may have had the coldest week in history but was a lot of fun. Barbecues every night what more could you want. 

One of our biggest highlights would be moving house, we have been after somewhere a lot bigger for ages, we loved our little flat in the heart of a sea side town but we were living on top of each other and it was at times rather claustrophobic at times, so when we saw a house at the right price for us we went for it and got it. Now we have an extra 2 bedrooms and tons of space, it really is a massive blessing and being able to host people and have the space is awesome.

I did love last year for many reasons but there is alot I would like to change too. lets see where it all goes aye! Heres a little video of photos of the last year take a look I think its rather sweet.

This year also I am going to enjoy blogging, unlike the past year where I been frustrated and upset at times. No longer am I going to avoid the tots100 tweets about rankings because I have come to the terms I will never have a massive blog. Quite frankly I do not want one I do not have the time to put the effort in, I just want to have my little space to write about my little family and the fun we get up to. So hopefully I can stick to what I love my little children, whilst they are small and that way I can look back in years to come, 

So here is to this year and what it brings,

Happy New Year 


  1. Happy New Year Lovely!
    I think sometimes it's nice not to have plans and just 'roll with it'
    Congratulations on graduating by the way!

    Laura x x x

  2. Well done on graduating as a nurse what a fabulous achievement ! you have such a beautiful family too ! hope 2015 brings happiness for you all !

  3. Happy New Year! Wow, you have had a great year! Congratulations on becoming a nurse x

    1. Thanks would have got their earlier if it wasnt for babies lol

  4. What a fabulous post! Happy New Year and a massive congrats on your graduation!! xx

  5. It sounds like an amazing year, I hope 2015 is awesome for you

  6. Wow what a year. So glad you are happy in your new home. Wishing you a wonderful 2015 xxx

  7. Bonjour - I didn't even know about rankings or suchlike when I started blogging - I just do it as I love writing and if people read and comment and come back then that makes me even happier than I was when I was writing! And well done on your graduation - fabulous achievement! #Weekendbloghop

  8. Congratulations on your graduation!

    All the best for 2015 - enjoy going with the flow :)

