Sunday 28 September 2014

Moving with small children

We are about to move and as exciting as that is its also very scary. Sadly lately my 2 year old has not been able to settle at night at all, which makes me a bit cautious about moving and how will we get her to settle in the new house. See my eldest was 2 when we first moved but he took it in his stride he could sleep anywhere and that has been helpful as one year we moved 3 times in a year but hard work but he was not too affected. Sadly Ami is so different to Pants we fear of many unsettled days so how can we prevent all this.

We are a family of 5 and our stuff has multiplied and the sad thing the biggest things are clothes oh dear! So how can we make moving alot less stressful on the little babies. Here are some tips to try and relieve some stress on poor toddlers.

-Try to visit the new house before hand getting them used to seeing the new house. Tell them were there new bedroom is and show them exciting things like the new garden and maybe for my toddler she was excited to see a big bath.

-When you start packing ask your toddler to help you, make a special box for them to put all there favorite bits in so they know they are all coming too. Then make sure it is one of the first things moved and save it for your toddler to unpack.

- Say goodbye to the old house, take a walk round the old home saying goodbye and sharing old memories. This is going to be a hard one, I personally hate this bit and always shed a tear. Big loser I know! Saying goodbye will bring closure to your toddler (and you too).

- Alot of reassurance is needed keep them informed whats going on and unpack there toys and bed first. Keep some favorite books and teddys in a handy bag ready for bedtime, and be prepared for some unsettled nights and lots of tears. This may not be the case but preparing for it wont throw you off course too much.

- Remember moving is hardwork and we do not always get everything right or how we want it. Cut your self some slack if it does not go right. Enjoy setting up your toddlers room and rejoice in a good nights sleep.

So if you have any tips for not completely tramatising my toddler and baby let me know? 


  1. I've recently moved with my toddler and it was quite a distance (from London to Southend) and away from some family members and nearer to others. We took loads of pictures of our new house (well pictures off the estate agent) and all the family, and I made them into a book (you can see it here in my blog if you'd like to. We also did a lot of talking about all the new things we'd find - we're nearer to the beach, where the nearest soft play is etc. so she was excited by those things.

    We also acknowledged that she was sad and worried and reminded her that we were feeling some of those too and that it was ok to feel like that. Two months in and we're fully settled now. fingers crossed your move goes smoothly for you.

  2. Ah those are great tips. We moved when my eldest was 4 and haven't moved since- I can't imagine the upset if we did! Good luck with your move x x

  3. What a group of great tips!! I hope your moving day went well, and I cannot wait to see a post about the new house. Thanks for linking up with #MMWBH xx

  4. What great ideas to help moving with little ones. I love love the photo. I hope it all goes so incredibly smooth for you. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again soon. #sharewithme

  5. We've moved many, many times and will hopefully be on the move again next year. Your tips are great. We try to turn it into an adventure and also visit the new house before the move. The kids rooms are always the first to be unpacked so even if you can't find plates of saucepans they have all their familiar things. I would also suggest let them lead the way in how their new room is decorated so it really feel like their room #mmwbh

  6. Great tips I will remember as we're hoping to move in the next couple of years! #familyfriday

  7. The tips are very nice! Thank you for sharing! The post is wonderful! Greetings!

  8. I am about to move with my little son and my big daughter and for now the problems are more with the bigger kid. Anyway, thanks for the tips! They will definitely come in use!
