Monday, 7 April 2014

Two under 2 and Pants - 4 months in

As soon as I started to share the news that I was pregnant with my third baby, I constantly got comments such as Oh its going to be hard work. With only 15 months between the youngest 2 most people would comment and sometimes it would really get on my nerves yes another child is hard but how do big families cope, they do and I will too. Most people who commented have not experienced that close age gap and therefore do not know what it is like. 

Some days are tough, it can be relentless the amount of nappy changing and feeding I do in a day, or the constant search for a matching pair of socks. Trying to leave the house requires careful planning and as soon as we are about to leave they both need a nappy change. They both cry at the same time often setting each other off and both still need alot of my attention. So yes you may say its hard work but no more than any child.

So with all that comes so so much joy, my heart burst with love for all three of my beautiful children. I love them so so much and wouldn't change a thing. I love the fact that Ami and Little bear will grow up together close in age. They will always have someone to play with. I love that all three of my children laugh at each other find themselves so funny. I love that some days people comment saying you have your hands full but I embrace it, my heart has alot of love, I am growing in patience, learning to share my time wisely, I am learning that sometimes days don't go right and thank god tomorrow is a new day.

So with the bad and good I love my life, I wouldn't change it. I am grateful to have had alot of time off and really enjoy this toddler age. I will be back to work soon and time will go by even quicker. So for now I will enjoy every day. I will look for the little things that make me happy, that little chuckle, that cute toddler chat, the sweet given by my eldest because I love it. I remember that this is just a season and in a few years all forgotten. 

Having more children is like a piece of the puzzle you didn't know was missing.


  1. I seem to find that the conversation on adding to a family goes... 'I can barely cope with 1, how on earth am I going to survive with 2?!' or 'My heart is exploding with love for our first born, how on earth am I going to love the next child as much?!' and then people realise that they do and that they love having 2. The same conversation then takes place when 3 and 4 arrive. You have been blessed with such gorgeous kiddies and we all have moments which are a bit trying but so very worth the love x #MagicMoments

  2. I loved having all mine young together and always found maternity leave easier than working as the latter just meant squashing two jobs into the time of one! #MagicMoments

    1. Yes i enjoy it more than i thought i would :) yes sorting childcare is going to be a headache!

  3. I've never experienced a close age gap....There is 5 years between my two!
    I admire people who do have children with small age gaps....Such hard work!!

    1. Ha my point exactly, its alot of fun most days i had 6years between the first too which was nice to have that time with just one!

  4. I love this post, so true. I got those exact comments all the time because mine are 21 months apart. two in diapers they kept saying how will you ever cope? I hated it. It's just doing a little bit more at the same time. Practicing much of the multitasking skills we women already have. I would love another and people always look at me like I am crazy. I am a child of 8 and the baby, if my momma can do it why can't the rest of us. Silly comments. Your family is gorgeous. #magic moments.

    1. yes my two seem to poop at the same time too! Thanks

  5. I have not experienced 'two under two' yet but I will in June, as my third will only be 18 months then. Your post is a really positive one. Inspiring! Mel #MagicMoments

    1. ha i bet you will be fine the thought is often worse than it is!!

  6. I had two under two myself so I can relate how tough is it, but it's a decision I made and haven't looked back on. Having my two eldest boys so close was a great decision and your girls there are just gorgeous. That first photo is so cute and funny. #magicmoments

    1. ha ha ha Little bear is a boy as much as he looks like his sister lol,

  7. I think that at the end of the day your the boss. Dont mind them they are just jel of your family. I know I am. #magicmoments
