Friday, 11 April 2014

Easter Crafts with the kids

We love Easter in our house, time to reflect and be thankful. I love craft and my daughter is the same, it has taken 7 years and finally my son sat down and made something on his own accord. We borrowed the leftovers from our toddler group for something to do whilst my husband is away. We made two things Easter cards and Easter baskets ready for out annual hunt! 

 Ami loved gluing and sticking all the cute little pieces on the card. She was really concentrating on what she was doing and sat there for a good half an hour making her card. She also enjoyed taking the pieces of too
  then putting them back on again.

The Easter baskets were already made so all Pants had to do was decorate it. He chose to put tissue paper in and some little eggs. I let him do what he wanted and the end result was lovely he was distracted by the tv as tangled was on and even though to him its a girl film he really wanted to watch it!

 So there we are some little Easter crafts we have many more to do so watch this space! I do love sitting with them to do craft I often find my time is spent looking after the baby it can be hard to spend quality time with them. We still have the rest of the holidays so when we get back from spring harvest I will let pants choose the next craft.


  1. aw looks like fun was had all round, i love crafting with kids x

  2. I love crafting but I have yet to break into the crafting with kids I am too scared. hahaha Of the mess and what they will eat. I think I still have a few years before all that but I can't wait. I am starting to make supply stock piles now. And creative ideas. They both look so happy and like they had a lot of fun. So sweet. Happy Easter lovely. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me week 11 and the continual blog support. So appreciated. #sharewithme

  3. Crafting is so nice. My son doesnt have the patience to sit down still so we are still testing craft. He does love to cook tho so thats what were doing a lot this holidays. #sharewithme

  4. I love crafting with my children. My son enjoys it for a short time, but it's definitely more my girls thing.

  5. Carson loves 'arts and crafts day' ... basically any day at all haha! this is a lovely post thanks for sharing x
    Popped over for #sharewithme, would love if you came and said hi back @ xx

  6. Great stuff! Was thinking earlier today to do some Easter crafts of some description

  7. How much fun does this look!! Crafts with kids makes such fun memories! #sharewithme

  8. Oh, those looked like lots of fun too do and your kids looked like they really enjoyed doing them too. Thanks so much for linking up #MMWBH x
