Thursday, 17 April 2014

Little Bear you are 5 months

My little baby you are growing up so fast
5 months has just flown by 
although it seems like you have always been here 
I still wish the time would slow down and I can keep you small 

You are learning new things every day 
you started to take a dummy this month
and now like to sit up most of the time
you hate to be lying down like to be able to see 
you love to watch Ami especially see what she is up to

you hold things well and reach out for things 
especially things your sister has 
you went on the swings which you liked
you also went swimming for the first time 
you enjoyed splashing around and being splashed

You love attention and will cry until held
but we dont mind its nice that you love cuddles
you still are all over the place with sleep 
some nights are good and some nights
 we pace around trying to get you back to sleep

You sit well and you are mastering the art of balancing well
you had first tastes of food but sometimes unsure of it
you also have had some bottles you come and go weather you like them or not
you also went on your first holiday been a busy month

So another month older 
We love you lots little Bear


  1. Cutest photos EVER! Gosh, they really dont stay small for long do they! He is a wee dote! #PoCoLo

  2. Oh so cute! They grow so quick cherish every moment. xx

  3. Absolutely and utterly gorgeous. I can't believe its been 5 months!! Thank you for linking to PoCoLo :) x
