Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Me and Mine - December

Wow what a year, can not believe today is the last day of the year! 2014 went by with out me knowing. One thing I am so happy about is taking our little photos each month, as much as my husband moans then so do the kids we are always happy of the result.

This months photo was taken at Southwold our family annual trip when at the in laws, sadly we forgot the DSLR so have Iphone photos which is a shame its such beautiful surroundings. We walk o the pier have chips it gives a nice little break from being in a house with 20 other people. The kids enjoyed running into the sea in their wellies and playing beat the tide.

So here we are looking forward to what next year has in store for us, alot more adventures I hope.

Here is the rest of the years shots from a little baby to a walking toddler, Our family is getting bigger each month, its even harder to keep them all still but oh so worth it. Its interesting to see in most photos I am holding little bear and my hubby holding July and September are my favorite pictures I think.














  1. I love that so many of your photos this year are from the beach, girl after my own heart!!! It's the same in this house, with a husband that complains about taking the photos each month, but we are all always so proud to look back over them, so it's definitely worth it. x

  2. I absolutely love your pictures as the 12 months have gone by, i have only managed to join in briefly as only stumbled across it, I will be joining in from January and already I am looking forward to it. My hubby also moans so I am glad it isn't just me! Have a lovely NY.x

  3. Beautiful photos looking back and I love the ones from this month too - you always look like you are having so much fun being together as a family and that really shines through in all your photos. Wishing you all the best for 2015 x

  4. It's the same with us - so often it's a bit of a scramble to get a photo but then I look back and I'm so glad I have them! And I love how many of your photos are taken on the beach - it makes me wish I was nearer the sea!

  5. That is a great picture. Well done on completing the full set - it's lovely to see how much your family has changed in the space of a year!
