Sunday, 30 March 2014

Good Friends - Good days and bad days

As a mum of 2 small little people some days are tough. A bad night can make days seem so much  more worse than they are, mixed in with that a teething toddler and a crying baby and some days its hard to see the good in it all. Some days darkness takes over and you forget all the blessings in your life, you forget what a amazing family you have and friends, you forget all the small things and life is tough. Changing nappies is tough, feeding a toddler is tough and all you want to do is lie in bed and cry because that is your life every day. Everyday is the same, everyday is a challenge but thank God those days are few and far between. 

I am so grateful on those days for a good husband and friends, Friends that just pop over to take you out and cheer you up. We are blessed to have the beach on our doorstep always relaxing for me to be there really clears my head. Sometimes its so easy to believe the lies that we think are true, No I am not a bad mum and Yes I can do this its JUST a season. So for now I muddle along really enjoying those good days and kicking the bad days in the teeth. I love being a mum to three children how ever hard it can be! 


  1. Lovely post! It's good to acknowledge the bad days but know that's all they are, and fab to celebrate all that's good x #MagicMoments

  2. super post honey god bless those friends!! we all need some like yours xx

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x

  3. What a wonderful post and thank you to the husband and the friends. It really does look wonderful where you live. Must be great to escape to that beach. Lovely post, thank you for sharing with #whatsthestory

  4. Love that it is warm enough to be paddling again now. My own have taken to surfing in the lake, a little too far for me! Don't forget to link to Country Kids with your lovely day at the beach.

  5. Your photographs are wonderful - it must be so lovely to live by the beach with your little ones. You're right, some days are tough with little ones, but hopefully the good far outweigh the bad. And remember - when it gets tough there's always vodka and Chaka Khan...


    1. thanks yes it is lovely my husband hates the sand though!

  6. Lovely post and fab photo's. I can so see where you are coming from. Thank goodness for good friends and family. #MagicMoments

  7. What gorgeous photos and it is so hard to be succumbed by the bad days but then those sunshine and laughter filled good days make them fade away #magicmoments

  8. A lovely post, and nice to be reminded that there is always people there to help

  9. Lovely post, sending you a big virtual hug for the bad days x

  10. Lovely! A simple "how are you?" message just makes 1 day brighter plus a cup of coffee.
