Friday, 14 March 2014

A Daddys Review of Pipsy Koala Bag

What man loves floral? I know I don't, my wife loves Cath kidston but secretly I cant stand it. One bag and a plain one at that is enough. Let me tell you my wife has had 4 Cath changing bags in a year, I couldn't believe it everytime she came home from that silly shop laden with a new one! Apparently they "kept" on breaking but I found it all rather suspicious. So here is the unisex Pipsy Koala Bag a bag suitable for us dads too!

Us Boys Little bear not fond on Cath
My wife said if I wanted to review a bag my first thoughts oh not another floral bag (how many bags can one woman want) but one that was made for both parents. I said does this mean I have to take the kids out on my own now, didn't go down to well I can tell you. The bag came with some bits inside for putting bottles and dirty clothes and a changing Mat. The bag was spacious and could hold a lot of stuff, we have two babies so after two lots of nappies and spare clothes there usually isn't room for much more.

Here is the bits inside the bag
Its great that the bag is black, my wife and daughter are forever spilling things so I don't know why she got a white bag in the first place. This one will hide all the spillages and wont need to be replaced as often. The bag is light and not to uncomfortable on the shoulders, it has plenty of pockets which is great for storing those extra chocolates and bits for the babies.

Little Lad loves the bag!
This bag retails at the fantastic price of £25 which I think is a very reasonable price for a bag. So if your a cool dad like me and now have a changing bag . Head across to the Pipsy Koala to buy the bag and even see what other products they sell too.

Disclaimer: This Changing bag was reviewed from the view of my Husband, all thoughts (even if it took a while other than its OK) are his own. We were given the bag for exchange for the review. 


  1. My other half had to walk around with a bag with colourful spots all over it. He was not impressed lol. He would have loved this one, much more manly :-) #TriedTested

  2. Ha, ha. I love the two contrasting photo's! So cool! I have to say I'm a Cath Kidston fan too but this unisex bag by Pipsy Koala looks great also! Thanks for making me smile! ;) #Tried&Tested

    1. I was a big cath kidston fan but found the changing bags were such poor quality compared to the huge price tag

  3. Love the review from a dads point of view! My changing bag is covered in bows - but my husband uses our Pipsy Koala one too! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

    1. ha thanks yes always useful to have the two I leave mine on the pushchair so nice to have it on the hand if we have one baby each!

  4. I have a partner who grumbles about a few of my bags so it's good to see Pipsy Koala have considered Dads with this design.

    1. yes it is good now days bags are very feminine!

  5. aww such a lovely review and photos and nice idea for men :) #TriedTested x

  6. Great review! That's a very manly bag....hehehe So much better than flowers and bows :)

  7. Am i the only one here who happens to think the cath kids ton one rather suited you? No, just me? lol. Admittedly, you do seem far more content with the 'man' bag! :)

  8. I LOVE the photos in this review! Little dude is SO cool! :)
    I'm quite lucky that my husband really isn't bothered what the changing bag looks like as long as I keep it stocked and ready to go ;)
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

    1. Ha thanks no he was not too fussed although I did notice he had recently replaced the bag I was so shocked!

  9. love his review my OH is the same he wont use my black leather patterned bag its too girly! so he needs a rather plain black one if he has both kids!
