Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Do's and Dont's of going to the Beach with toddlers

Going to the beach can be a lot of fun especially with toddlers. They love the free space to run around and let of some energy. There is also a lot of risk that comes with going to the beach so here is my list of Do's and Dont's for going to the beach.

DO play in the sand make sand castles.

DONT let your children eat sand and then get gastroentritus and you end up in A&E covered in toddler sick and poop (true story, of course I wouldn't go to A&E now that was many years ago)

DO paddle and play in the water.

DONT take lots of photos and then your toddler falls and you end up dropping your phone in the water. Doh

DO get a ice cream, they are mainly what going to the beach is about right.

DONT drop it you wally!!! Oh wait my toddlers do this EVERY TIME. Then cry meaning you have to pay £500 for another ice cream, why arnt they 99p anymore?

DO cover the children in sun tan cream on sunny days.

DONT forget it meaning buying a really expensive cream from the beach shop or worse trying to keep them in the shade aka going home. There is a lot of shame for the parent who hasn't covered there kids with cream (I am actually one of those mums who forgets it on the reg doh).

DO take towels or a blanket to sit on

DONT forget to bring them as you may get a wet bum on the sand, you don't want to walk round looking like you have wet yourself.

DO take some food for the toddlers otherwise they will demand Ice creams every two minutes.

DONT forget the sand and it ends up in your sandwich nothing like a ham and sand sarnie .. GRIM

DO take your shoes of on the sand.

DONT forget flip flops when rock pooling as a cut from a shell is as bad as child birth and nearly as much blood (ok thats a massive exaggeration but you get my drift).

DO take spades it nice to dig in the sand.

DONT take spades as the toddlers will bash everyone and everything with them.

DO take swimming stuff in case you fancy a dip in the water.

DONT go in the water its freezing.

DO buy some chips or anything unhealthy.

DONT let the seagulls see you will be there victim in less than 60 seconds.

DO take all crabbing gear.

DONT get all cocky and try and pick up a red eater crab, it will end with you backed up against the wall  whilst it tries to get you with its claws (been there not fun).

DO make sure you empty your shoes before leaving the beach.

DONT forget otherwise you get home and your carpet will be covered and you will be finding it for days.

DO make a safe area where you can see the toddlers at all times.

DONT sit to near other people or your toddlers may help them selves to the other peoples food and drink, its very embarrassing.

DO go for a paddle in the water.

DONT let your child go for a paddle then they get soaking wet and cry because there clothes are wet!

 So here is my tips - be prepared and have fun. Or as much fun as you can have chasing toddlers!


  1. Hehe this did make me smile! I love the idea of the beach but actually once there its often more stressful than fun!! lol.

  2. Hahahahaha! Love this! We are going on holiday this month so your tips will be super helpful xx

  3. Had to laugh - we have done (or not done) many of these in the past.

  4. This is a great post. I don't go to the beach much. Only because either we don't have the time or the weather isn't great when we do have the time!
    I hate sand though! I can't stand it. Especially when it gets into your food or drink and you don't notice!

  5. Ah I ended up with a ham and sand sandwich recently, it was not pleasant!! Definitely to tempting the shoes but you might want to check pockets too as I recently learnt when my little one stuff all the sand he could get and I didn't realise until I did the washing ;)

  6. What a great post! It had me giggling throughout :-) Ice creams are expensive and the wet bum look is not fashionable ;-) x

  7. Haha, brilliant :) I can certainly tick some of these x #MMWBH

  8. We live my the sea and when my boys were smaller sandy nappies were a regular occurrence!

  9. hehehe! This made me chuckle...It's all lots of fun though x

  10. I'm so glad you cleared that up! I was about to make some questionable choices at the beach :-) Seriously, this is a really cute post!

  11. Great post - timely advice, although we do the dropping the ice cream one far too often!

  12. Funny incidents :) I like walking along beaches and rockpooling but anything else and the sand gets on my nerves. My son just likes walking along so thankfully no buckets and spades etc. :)

  13. We live by the beach so we end up there at least once a week on the Summer - we've dropped many an ice cream ;-)

  14. Suc h a good post and I agree, why are they not 99p anymore, they should be renamed "if you want a flake you need to remortgage"

  15. Haha brilliant post! Will try to remember these when I'm at the beach in a couple of weeks ;)

  16. Haha brilliant post! Will try to remember these when I'm at the beach in a couple of weeks ;)

  17. Brilliant post, made me chuckle. I miss taking toddlers to the beach x

  18. Haha great post, very funny. POD is 4 now but it's still great taking her to the beach. Mind you I've washed sand out of her hair tonight from a day at pre-school!

  19. great tips as i think we have all been there!!

  20. We can not go to the beach without having fish and chips. It's the rules and you can't break the rules!

  21. Lol. So true, we always forget something and why are ice creams sooo expensive?

  22. This really made me smile and I can totally relate to many - although not ending up in A&E fortunately - poor you!!

  23. this is funny xx I love the seaside

  24. I can relate to many of those!!

  25. Ha ha this is great! I'll definitely take your tips on board! xx

  26. Looks like you had a fun day at the beach :)

  27. Lol! What a great post! Thanks so much for linking up! #MMWBH

  28. hahah I love this and so true. I think all of the don't have happened to us. Great post. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

  29. This made me smile :-). I totally agree about the price of ice creams - when did they get so expensive?!

  30. Should add that teething babies will want to 'chew' pebbles, all fine and well until they realise it hurts and they have sand in their mouths.
    Remember talc, helps remove wet sand.
