Monday, 20 October 2014

What they didnt tell you about breastfeeding

I breastfed all my children but beforehand I had not a clue what it would entail, the books made it look all peaceful and tranquil, but sometimes it wasn't, here at last is the truth. P.S do not let this put you off breast feeding at all (just putting that out there before someone gets me with a stick).

Breast Pads
Being a young mum with my first baby I did not realise that you would leak milk, and I was soon to learn these would be the bane of my life! If you have not seen a breast pad before they are a absorbent pad that goes in your bra and you need about a million of them! You begun to fear that wet t shirt feeling forever checking or even waking in the night to find that you had not put in place after the 5/6th night feed and you now need to change your top.

Oh look at that lady latching on well, WHY isnt it happening to me!!! Those first few feeds from your newborn can be like someone is stabbing your boobs. After a few feeds it does get better till your so tired your baby latches on to your skin and that does hurt. I used to sleep on my front which meant I got alot of blocked ducts, alot of warm flannels cor it was painful at times!

Getting your baps out
So you get told those first few feeds in public are fine you will get used to feeding your baby out in public, no your baby wont stop feeding and turn there head leaving you exposed in public whilst some old man gapes at your tatties (ok that never happened but it might have done), nothing like a nip slip in costa! Thankfully for me the more babies I had the more confidant I became but I never got to the point of having a conversation baby stopping feeding and me not noticing!

What Ive been pumping for a hour and nada!!
So your going out for a hour or two and you want to be able to give the person looking after your baby some expressed milk to feed your baby when your out so the night before you get the pump out. After spending a good amount of time wondering what goes where, is it a beer like funnel thing for babies? you start pumping. Feeling proud till you see the minimal amount you have pumped. You feel sore (and a bit like a cow) and hope the little amount will be ok till you get back with full sore breasts.

Break time
Oh wait there is none because you are always feeding a baby (or was this just me)

So here is a few things I learnt that the books never shared. I did love feeding my babies and do not regret all the horrors of breast feeding, do not let this post put you off at all we are all different...


  1. Oh this brought back so many memories. I breast fed both my kids but I didn't do it for long. Just like you say, it is NOT as easy as the books and midwives would have us believe. I got mastitis too - cabbage leaves on the breast do actually work (a little) to relieve the terrible pain. I would say to any new mum, have a go at breast feeding as clearly there are many plus points, but don't beat yourself up about it if it doesn't work for you. Formula milk is great too. Tx

  2. This is a great post - thank you for sharing! My firstborns are due imminently - twins! - and I'm hoping to breastfeed, so I'll be saving this in my favourites for later.

  3. Fun post. :) I also BF all of mine, though my daughter I only BF for 3 months sadly, she was premature and I didn't have any support at all :(.
    My youngest is now 2 years old and still breast fed. :)

  4. Great list! I somehow managed to not nurse in public. I just couldn't get past being exposed (even under a cover) ... so there was a lot of feed baby and rush out the door :) I hope if we have another baby I don't have the same fear. OH and I totally felt like a cow when I pumped. Made that comment to my mother who couldn't help but break into laughter!

  5. I remember going through all of these and wishing I had had some warning! I too felt like a cow every time I hooked up to the pump! As for exposure...when my daughter was a few days old my partner had some friends over. I took the baby to the other room to nurse...and forgot to latch my nursing top afterwards. I walked into the living room, laid my sleeping babe in her bassinet, and turned to walk to the couch. That's when I noticed that my breast was still out and that Almost-Husband's friends had gotten an eyeful!

  6. It really is good to know the bad as well as the good - it can be hard for new mothers who think that everyone else has an easy time, when in reality thats not the case. Thanks for linking up with the #parentingpinitparty

  7. Hello there, no it wasn't just you, when my little one was very little he would feed for an hour every other hour and this went on for some time! Really enjoyed reading your post and it brought back lots of memories x #sharewithme

  8. This is a great list, I too had no idea what was to come first time round. I think people should be a bit more honest about how hard it can be but I guess they don't want to scare people off x #weekendbloghop

  9. Hello. I love this post. I remember having my boobs man-handled by numerous midwives in hospital and wondering why breast feeding wasn't the beautiful, bonding and peaceful experience I had imagined. Sadly, after weeks of trying Little Miss decided breast feeding wasn't for her. I then expressed for months. Being hooked up to a double pump up to 10 times a day was the most indignified experience of my life. Motherhood - it is the most amazing thing but also bloody hard work. Hugs Mrs H xxxx #sundayround-up

  10. Great post. As a dad, even I know that breastfeeding isn't the easiest thing in the world, and while I completely agree with those that think breast is best, I also fully understand that sometimes it just can't be done! Thanks for linking up #FamilyFriday

  11. I love your honesty. I tried to breastfeed but never really produced milk good enough to fill my little monsters.I could not express either, I would sit for hours and produce about 5ml of milk! No one tells you either how much your nipples will hurt, I used to put the hairdryer on mine to take away the pain. I have come over from #Sundayroundup .I Look forward to reading your blog and adventures in the future!

  12. Great post. One thing I have found no-one tells you about is the weaning. That's not easy either! #sharewithme

  13. Breast feeding can be a real challenge, especially when you have twins but it is very worthwhile if it all works out but importantly Mums must never beat themseleves up if it does nto work out. Mich x

  14. I never managed to bf mine for very long but this is so true! #familyfriday
