Tuesday 13 May 2014

Holding on to the baby

I hear the sound of crying I look round and see where its coming from, the sound so familiar my heart starts to race. Not my little baby crying he wants his mum. I grab him and cling to him a baby so dependent on me. The whimpers start to stop his body starts to relax and I hold him close. I kiss that head and wonder how long I have left. How long will my baby want to be held? How long till suddenly the world seems more attractive than mum. For somedays it may suffercate me but most I love cuddling my little baby. 

I am already aware that he no longer falls asleep on me unless in a sling but when he does I make it last. I hold that little body legs filling out and hands starting to look so grown up and cherish it. I would stay like it all afternoon if wasnt sorting Ami out, if I didnt have a million and one things to sort. 

You try so desperately to be on the move wanting to explore and eat what ever you can find. I am pleased that you are so strong and so wanting to do more than you should but apart of me still would like more time with you so small. More time where all you want is mummy and daddy. It seems so long ago you were a newborn who could barely lift his head so tiny, so fragile. Six months has flown by it makes me sad to think the next 6 will go by even quicker. I dont want to miss anything I want to take it all in, I want to hit pause and make the most of the time as you as a baby. 

As I cant do that I will hold you and sway. Come to you when you wake in the night your little cries as you wait for mummy to hold you. Your tears as you just want to be nursed to sleep. I will try my best for you, stroke your little head totally in love with you. 


  1. What a lovely post and that picture is amazing! Savour every minute! I don't get many cuddles from my 16 yo that towers above me that's for sure Zx

  2. What a lovely lovely amazing post. Almost had me in tears. I am the same I am so worried how much time I have left of Missy Moo wanting me like this or even Buba. He has already begun not to want his mommy so much and it was just filled with Missy Moo but now she is my last baby and I wonder how I will cope without her snuggles her cry for a cuddle and nuzzling me!!! I love love this photo of your little one too. So cute so sweet. Happy baby!!! Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

  3. Beautiful post and a gorgeous photo!

  4. Simply beautiful post hun and adorable photo. They grow up so fast, don't they x #sharewithme x

  5. Awwwww they grow up soooooo fast dont they!.. :) #ShareWithMe

  6. this post made me feel sad I really miss having both of my boys as baby's make the most of every minute they grow us so fast lovely post #sharewithme

  7. Aww I love this! I don't get cuddles anymore and she never falls asleep on me now she's 5 months. She was ill recently and would only sleep on me and I admit I was secretly happy. Gorgeous picture as well :) xx #sharewithme

  8. Ah, such a lovely post, I feel exactly the same about my baby - third and last and growing up so fast (inintentional rhyme there!). Enjoy the cuddles with your little cutester! #sharewithme

  9. I meant unintentional! Unintentional typo there ;)

  10. Oh my gosh, look at that photo! *swoon* He is soooo adorable. And I know how you feel! Those babies don't want to be slowed at all, not even a little bit! But enjoy every second because next thing we know we'll be taking them to their first day of pre-school! :( #sharewithme x

  11. Lovely post and cute picture. Don't worry that he growing because heats come the really cute stage where randomly for no reason he will wander up and hug you or better say I love you mummy x good luck x
