Wednesday, 28 May 2014

C is for Camping

So this past weekend we were camping at a festival was a lot of fun and there was a lot of rain. On our last day whilst the site was getting packed down and my husband was busy putting marquees down in the rain, me and the children spent 7 hours just in the tent. All we had was some balloons, some wrestlers and colouring. It turned out to be a really nice day just playing together maybe help us be more intentional in turning all the electronics of at home.  

This photo was from our first night where it hammered down with rain all night. Not long after this my battery died so I didnt get photos to capture the fun we had! We had a lovely time beated being at home and Ami and Pants arguing over something special or minecraft!

You can join in in the aphabet photo challenge by poping over toPodcastdove


  1. It looks like lots of fun!! Glad you had a great time :) #alphabetphoto

  2. Oh this is so inspiring! We are going to do this soon and I am so scared cuz im such a control freak and being outside is well not having so much control on things. Hopefully pur capming will be this fun =) #AlphabetPhoto

    1. ha you should although im rather laid back well if you call being stuck in a tent fun lol

  3. Happy shot! Sounds like you had a good time, although I think I would be miserable if my camera battery failed. Might end up in a hotel one night so I could recharge it! #AlphabetPhoto

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful time, it's been far too long since we last went camping! Great photo x #alphabetphoto

  5. Sounds fab! I have never been brave enough to take the children camping yet! #alphabetphoto

  6. Sounds like the weather we have when we go camping! Sounds like you had some lovely family time though despite the weather!

  7. Camping is so much fun! The little's certainly look like they're enjoying it, hehe. x


  8. Great shot of lovely, happy children. Sometimes when there's absolutely nothing that you have to do: no deadlines, no schedule, no organised activities, you end up with real quality time for just relaxing and enjoying being with your little people. Glad you had a ball. All the best, Bonny

  9. Aww it sounds like you had lots of fun despite the weather. This is a lovely happy capture! Well done for occupying them for 7 hours in a confined space, must have made a rather nice change to have no electronics! Thank you so much for sharing with #alphabetphoto
