Thursday, 18 July 2013

Reasons to be cheerful: Week 20

Isnt life full of little blessings sometimes! Sometimes you can feel totally rubbish then something little happens and you realise that actually im loved beyond belief! Anyway Im generally a cheerful person when the sun is shining actually im a happy person all together! We have had a busy week so going to pick the best bits of our week!

1) Only four more days of the school term left! summer holidays are nearly upon us but that does mean only four more school days till my little boy goes into year 2 stop growing up Pants!

2) We have been to the beach nearly everyday it does make me very happy both the kids love playing in the sand! We dont have an amazing garden in fact we never go out there, it is full of pebbles and not great for an exploring baby!

3) Had my job interview didn't go too well sadly but you never know maybe I did better than I thought! On the plus side have one week of shifts then off till I get a job so can enjoy the summer

4) Not long till our summer starts we have a busy summer ahead we taking part in some beach missions and community events! Its such good fun, I love to be part of it and love to get stuck in!

5) Pregnancy is going well in that middle part were not too huge and now looking pregnant not like ive not lost baby weight (which I hadnt opps)

6) Looking forward to a weekend we have a wedding of some of our friends, and Captains Day at the golf club where my step dad is the captain! good times

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

+I love to hear from you so please comment! And if you If you like this blog then don't forget to subscribe to my blog so you never miss an update.


  1. Hope you have a wonderful summer, beach time is my plan this year too xx

  2. Enjoy the wedding this weekend and yay for the summer holidays! Mich x

  3. Have a wonderful summer... I hear it is extremely hot in the UK at the moment! (You are in the UK?)

  4. yay for school hols! ours started already :-) my boy will be year 2 too and big girl year 5 eek
