Saturday, 13 July 2013

Beach Nights

Ok i dont know if you have gathered, I love going to the beach and so do the family so we go alot! Sorry when the weathers good we go there! We had no plans for the evening so we decided to pop into Margate for some tea and watch the sun set! Not a place we would usually go I was a little unsure but my husband persuaded me to try! We found a little ice cream palour serving savory crepes so the boys had pizza crepes which they both enjoyed followed by ice cream! was lovely to be sitting outside on a summers evening not thinking about bath time or getting the kids to bed! we left gone bedtime so for Pants it was a huge treat! Ami was ok she was happy to be outside!

We then decided to take a walk along to the sand passing and playing on the newish steps in Margate! Ami found great joy climbing up and down the smooth steps but I wasnt to sure too many seagulls for my liking!! So finally on the sand! My favorite place we find a nice cleanish area (after a busy day the beach is sure littered with crap people leave behind!). The kids enjoyed playing on the sand climbing in and out of holes people had made in the day! My husband kept us entertained by discreetly dropping coins by the metal detector people to see if they would go crazy! It was so funny and they missed the coins!

The sun had set and time to head home trying to keep Ami awake so we could give her a quick bath! It was a lovely evening nice to relax and not worry about usually bedtime stuff! So what the kids went to bed at 9:45 we created some memories last will end up being fond time in many years time! We look forward to many more nights like this! Its how i grew up hence my child hood nick name stig of the beach!!

I love to hear from you so please comment! And if you If you like this blog then don't forget to subscribe to my blog so you never miss an update. .......}


  1. What a great way to spend the evening. A gorgeous sunset at the beach with your family creating some happy memories together. Thanks for sharing with Country Kids.

  2. What a lovely evening. With the great weather and the light evenings we have been staying up later as well and have not had all early nights. It's just too hard to resist really! Definitely a lovely memory to treasure.

    1. Thanks yes mine have not been settling at night crazy!

  3. That looks like a brilliant time at the beach. Would love to have that opportunity.

  4. What a wonderful thing to do! Looked like you all really enjoyed it as well. I like the sounds of a pizza crepe, yummy =D Loved this post, great photos x

  5. Brilliant way to spend an evening!!! Gorgeous pics. Popping by from the mad mid weel blog hop x

    1. I'm also popping over from mad midweek blog hop but dont seem to be able to add a comment on my own so had to do a reply! I love the light in your photos and plan to have a go at pizza crepes for my children - I think they would love them! lovely post!

    2. Thanks, The photos were taken with an Iphone 5! these phones have got good cameras now days!

  6. Sounds like a really lovely evening, filled with lots of memories to keep.

  7. What a smashing day you had, it is so lovely when they are young and the cheap stuff like the beach is magical to them.

  8. What a fabulous day you guys seem to have had! And what fun photos! Cute family :) Thanks for linking up with this weeks Mad Mid-Week Blog Hop! xx
