Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Being on mission with children!

I for one love being involved in mission work and having children never has got in the way of me serving! I love getting stuck in to whats happening and helping to make change with what I can give! Pants was 10 months old when he was with me whilst I served on mission and now nearly 7 he absolutely loves being around and helping, although mist of the time his idea of helping is getting balls out and pestering someone to play football with him. I would love to go on global missions one day thats the dream take all the kids and just do it, now have nursing qualification should make things easier to work in some of these places!

This year for this weeks mission which is Scripture union Minnis bay we are in with the toddlers, which is actually going better than i thought as im not always a toddler group person, I found that i actually knew some of the mums so it wasnt too bad! Pants is in an older age group called twigs he is enjoying that too! They host kids clubs for all ages from 0 to 18 and in the afternoon hold an event for the whole family. The first being a tide fight where teams had to build the strongest castle to survive the tide! Pants got stuck in a team whilst I had the task of stopping a now walking/ running Ami running in the sea or destroying the childrens castles!

This afternoon sees a huge water fight in which fire men come and hose the children in a big dip! Its alot of fun and Im sure wearing a bright red T shirt will not help me to stay dry!! But it will be fun we look forward to the rest of the week before were on to our next mission! The T shirts read Keep Calm and know God is Good!!

I love to hear from you so please comment! And if you If you like this blog then don't forget to subscribe to my blog so you never miss an update. .......}


  1. Sounds like lots of fun for all the kids! Love the pic of the little one running on the beach, so cute!

  2. Looks like a tonne of fun! The beach is such a great place, just wish my little boy wasn't scared of sand!

  3. We have had so much fun over the years building sandcastles against the incoming tide. Every child's beach favorite. Sounds like a good meet up for you all. Do join me over on Country Kids too. #PcCoLo

  4. Hello linking up via the clairejustineoxox weekend blog hop! Fab photos :)

  5. this sounds fantastic honey xx

  6. Gorgeous pictures, looks like you had lots of fun. Love the toddling pic at the end, so cute!

  7. Looks like Pants is having a wonderful time - I wouldn't mind betting that water fight was awesome. What a wonderful thing to be able to do. Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x

  8. Looks like the children are having fun :0)

    Thanks for sharing at welcome to the weekend blog hop ...
