Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Pampers sleep session - Sleep tips for babies and toddlers #babysleep

One thing I have learnt about being a mum of a baby is finding a nappy brand you can trust, and with pampers I know you are guaranteed a baby's good night sleep. We recently got asked to take part in a discussion on skype all about helping babies love to learn to sleep. I got to chat about the new pampers sensitive nappies and also talk to sleep expert Jo Tantum about issues that I have with my babies and sleeping. If you are a follower of his blog you may know that we have had a toddler who has been getting up at 5am, it's been hard work lately and we have been exhausted. We also got sent a pack of the new pampers baby dry nappies to try before our session.

Sleep Expert!

The new nappies although look not to different to the old ones but they feel alot smoother and we didn't have as many leaks with the new nappies, so less outfit changes in the middle of the night. I got shown on the skype chat about how the nappies absorb fluid straight away unlike other nappies where the liquids sty next to the babies skin and take a little longer to absorb into the nappy. They contain a double dry zone which means in the night they do not need to be changed and woken up. 

We often use pampers at night as they are the only nappy we have found that both babies are not so uncomfortable in the morning. Other nappies we have found my daughter waking and standing and the nappy being so sodden she would often develop such bad nappy rash it was awful, but since using these at night it has got considerably alot better.

Back in the olden days when we first started Pampers with Little Bear

 Our toddler Ami who is 2 and a half has recently waking up super early and not going back to sleep. Me and my husband are at wicks end wondering how to get her to sleep in until a decent time. We have had a strict routine and nothing has changed. So we asked sleep expert Jo Tantum about how we can get her to sleep in to a decent time.  

  -    Don’t let anything happen before 7am, if your LO wakes, let them chatter away to themselves, if they cry you can go in to soothe her by making ssshhhing sounds but don’t pick her up or talk to her.
-          Using a gro clock, sticking a reward chart next to the bed is great to use in conjunction with the clock so that if she is quiet until 7am she gets a sticker and stickers add up to a little treat at the end of the week
-          A lucky dip of toys is another strategy so you buy lots of little 10p/20p toys or just use ones you already have but they aren’t really aware of, wrap them up and put them in a box that she can help decorate. If you mix them in with lots of shredded paper she can reach in and pick a toy  if she stays quiet until 7am (until the Gro clock comes on)
-          A magic lamp is also a good tactic such as a character lamp like Peppa Pig that has a timer that you can set to 7am and you explain to her that the light will come on when ‘Peppa wakes up’ and that’s when she can get up as well. And if she does that for three mornings, then Peppa will give her a call (a friend or relative of yours) and say how proud of her they are for sleeping until morning).
-          Blackout blinds are also really helpful to ensure she doesn’t wake up during a light sleep cycle.

We have been trying these for the few weeks and actually have had a improvement. Most days we have had a 6:20 wake up which is a lot better than 5am but we are getting there. We are learning to be more consistent and not doing anything before the sun comes up on the gro clock. We have had a few nights where she has got up past 7am and it's been lovely. 

Here is some more sleep tips for babies at night. I have used most of these with ll three and they are tried and tested.
What getting me to sleep!!!

Try to set a scene that is appropriate for bedtime such as ensuring that lights are switched off or dimmed and that the room is neither too cold nor too hot. Creating a tranquil environment will help baby understand when it is time for sleep. 

Routine is key
Routine will help your little one to know when it is night-time. By doing the same things before bedtime such as giving your baby a bath, cuddle, lullaby, and fresh nappy, she will begin to associate these activities with sleep. 

Keep to a schedule
As with establishing a sleep routine, the daily cycle is also important. By having ‘active times’ and ‘quiet times’ your baby will become familiar with when it is time to play and when it time for sleep.

Distinguish between night and day
Ensure that your baby’s environment is different between night and day so that your little one recognises that light means it is time for play and that dark is time for sleep. Also try to be quieter and less interesting when it is night time so your little one understands that it is not playtime. 

All babies will wake in the night but they will need to learn how to self-soothe. If you hear your baby stirring try to refrain from going in straight away to settle her. Instead, pause a moment and give her a chance to send herself back to sleep. Eventually she will be able to nod off without your help. 

Sleep changes and development are linked
Your baby will move considerably in the night so ensuring that she remains comfortable is essential. It is advisable to use a nappy with superior leakage protection such as Pampers Baby-Dry with Double Dry-Zones which absorb moisture and lock it helping to provide your baby with up to 12 hours of Golden Sleep.

Your baby will have growth spurts. During these times, she will likely want to feed more, day and night so try to be aware of when your little one is going through one of these phases. Similarly, teething may cause your little one some discomfort and thus disrupt her sleep. Teething rings can help ease the pain and distract baby. You can also try rubbing the gums with infant teething gels which contain a mild anesthetic. 

Be realistic

Stay positive and trust your instincts. Keeping a diary of your baby’s sleep patterns may also help you understand when and why she wakens and remember that every baby is different so what may work for another baby may not work for your little one. 

My husband enjoyed his Skype it was interesting  for him to be enthusiastic about establishing change in the kids, it's usually the other way round. It has worked as we have both been in the ball. So why not pick up a pack of pampers and see if it changes your babies bedtimes? 

Check out on twitter and all social media sites for the campagne #babysleep where you can find out more tips on getting your little ones to sleep.


  1. We use Pampers too, they are brilliant. Have tried other kinds but not found any of them as good.

    I agree with you on the gro clock, it has really helped me toddler to stay in bed in the mornings. She runs through to me now saying "See sun! Goomornin Mummy!" <3
    x Char

  2. Our house is a Pampers house as well. My daughter has been in them since she was born and we've had the best results with them. They're comfortable and rashes have been minimal because they're so absorbent! I love your tips for sleeping--especially the idea of the lamp that's timed with when the child can be woken up. It's so simple, yet so genius. I'm definitely keeping it in mind for when my daughter gets older! Thank you for sharing such helpful and useful tips!
