Monday, 26 September 2016

So have you missed me?

Its been a while hasn't it some how when you don't write for a while its rather hard to get back into the flow of things. I have had many unfinished blog posts that I have started over the last few months but haven't got round to finishing. So there is that little round up thought I would write a little positive post for us so you can see what we have been thankful for over the last few months. I have kind of been using Instagram as a micro blog which I enjoy doing but miss typing on a keyboard.

Ami Starting School

SO the big day has come my little four year old has started school. I was rather surprised that I didn't cry, I held it together and so far she is loving it. Everyday she is first up wanting to get dressed for the day. It has been lovely getting to hang out with Son Son on his own as its been our little trio at home for the past few years.

The Awesome Summer of 2016

We have had a busy summer with lots of mission and hanging out in parks ( not literally like as a creepy family on the swings all day long, we have done some events called Lark in the Park). Its been amazing adjusting family like to eating on disposable plate whilst the wind blows it away. We have also  spent a large chunk of the summer down the beach. We have been back crabbing  with the kids but sometimes they just weren't bothered and it was just me. The weather was awesome this year and I have some fond memories from the summer. We saw lots of beautiful skies at night and sat outside with a fire into the night. My little post here doesnt really got into much detail as I am trying to be brief and not ramble too much. I am defiantly ready for Autumn now though and purchased my first pair of fluffy leggings.

After school skimming competition. This weather is pure bliss we love the sunshine.

A photo posted by S A R A • C A R V O S S O (@mummyslittleblog) on

France Hollybobs

Yes we went on holiday back in June!!! How far away does that sound! We had a great week with boiling hot weather, we even managed a trip into Paris which was fun. I say fun I actually hated it but everyone else enjoyed it. We spent the whole week swimming and eating BBQ's everynight. We were a stones throw away from the beach and it was such a great week as a family. Ami learnt to ride a bike which was amazing at only 3 years old we can't get her to stop now.

Camping Times

We went camping a few times too which did involve 4am starts and very late nights, we purchased a massive tent so are now set for all future camping events. I do love camping and love the freedom the kids have when we go. I think the kids loved not having to wash for days and we enjoyed being out under the stars and toasting marshmallows in fires.


We celebrated 4 birthdays over the summer period of our littke family with Asti turning 10 and Ami 4 obviously mummy and Daddy had their birthdays too but we dont need to know how old they are right. Ami was ever so excited to get a bike and Asti a Ping Ping table.

A photo posted by S A R A • C A R V O S S O (@mummyslittleblog) on

New Season

I am still Nursing but have gone into a new shift pattern change. Its only the beginning of change but so far its not been too bad. I moved to working night shifts rather than days. I was dreading it big time applied for a ton of jobs but maybe this is just where I should be at the moment. I do feel the need for a change and just waiting for a good job to turn up. My original plan in my head was to go back to university next September to train as a school nurse maybe this may still be the case. Sad fact when writing this I was thinking of work and without thingking was about to write Privacy and Dignity maintained.... Rather random.

-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px;">Jul 3, 2016 at 1:30pm PDT
So here ends my little catch up I mean little its very hard to put 5 months in one post. If you want to find out what we get up to follow our IG club. I love Instagram stories at the moment too which are even more weird than you may expect. I hope to get back into regular posting again we will see its hard to bring myself back infront of the laptop which out getting distracted online shopping. So here I leave you with a sun set photo to end my random of random post.

10 years ago today I started going into labour. Little did I know what was in store, I didn't have a clue about parenting or being a mum. I didn't know how to do most things. A young teenager in trouble about to be given the most specialist of gifts. I still remember that weight of responsibility when I realised he was mine for life. It wasn't happy feeling it was "shit when will I go to toilet" sadly 10 years later they still don't leave me alone to go to toilet. He is a massive blessing to me and I hope he knows that. Being a single mum was tough but I wouldn't have had it any other way. He found us Matt to but that's another story. It's also my parenting eve can you believe I been doing this parenting job for 10 years that's double figures. Time is flying by seriously I want to find out where my crazy haired Aston toddler went. #astonistentomorrow #sobsob #tenyearsofbeingamummy
A photo posted by S A R A • C A R V O S S O (@mummyslittleblog) on

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