Thursday, 3 March 2016

Cold Winter Walks - Broadstairs

I love that the evenings are getting lighter, it means we can stay out later and enjoy more of the day. We decided to get out the house and go for a walk mainly to get our family photo but also to grab a ice cream. It was most properly the coldest day of the year or so it felt so we didn't actually stay out for too long. 

We went for a walk along the prom and the kids the noticed that some people were surfing. So there we are finding 20 pence coins so they could all see the people in the water. Ami was desperate to go on the beach but it was far too cold.

We followed the walk to the best Ice cream parlour in the world. I personally have always loved Morellis in Broadstairs we used to go there as children and it still is the only place we get ice cream in Broaststairs. I got a hot chocolate which was devine and all the kids and the hubby got ice cream. It was a nice little walk and the kids enjoyed the fresh air and ice cream. I love my Sundays of with the family, it was my last one for a few weeks.

See below some more photos of the day

Looking for Boats 

Say Cheese Son Son

This Hot chocolate was Devine. 

Messy Face Ami

To finish off all my lovely Family. 


  1. Love family Sundays. Cool ice cream faces too. #MMWBH

  2. I love all your family adventures and your captures. So lovely. This is awesome and cold winter or not you are enjoying life to it's fullest you can see it in the kids smiles everytime. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. Sorry to be late commenting we have my mother visiting from America. :) Thanks for joining in. #sharewithme
