Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Sharing the Joy March

I have been finding life hard lately I am not going to lie. Some days I feel like I can climb mountains and others I am stuck right at the bottom of the valley. It has been a bit rubbish but each day is a new day and actually on the grand scheme of things I am rather blessed. So with that I thought I would write my little positive post sharing the things we are grateful for. The little blessings in my life that I can read back on one day and think wow we were blessed.

Sunny Days

I really love the sunshine and ok its been shining when I have been at work and stuck inside a hot hospital but it makes everyone feel happy. The few days I have been off and it has been sunny its been lovely to play out in the garden. Also heading into work and its light is not as painful when you start work at 7am. It makes me excited for the spring and getting out the house without twenty layers on.

Two Year Checks

My little Son Son had his two year check this week. Which now they do at the nursery which I was dreading but actually went really well. Son Son is coming along well and he was really relaxed to be with his key worker. With Son Son being my youngest its kind of like the end of an era with all the health visitor business.

New Work

My husband has recently got some local work which looks like it could be fruitful. Being a video producer it can be a bit hit and miss. the fact that its local means no long commutes to London. He is a very talented man he deserves all the breaks he gets.

Days out with the family

This will always be my favourite thing to do, we have been swimming and to the beach but we are a busy family and days together as a five are very rare. I think this is what makes it so so special. My husband is away alot of the next few weeks so hopefully we can hang out sometime soon.

So here is just a few things that bring me joy. I actually found it hard but the more I write about it the easier it becomes. I have so many draft posts where I have started a post and gave up. Hopefully I can get back into a better flow of writing soon.


  1. Hi Sara, chin up and I'm glad to hear the sun is lifting your spirits. Great to see the kids out at play and to be enjoying that and fingers crossed for your husband, his video work sounds fascinating and sounds like he is very talented. Don't forget to pop this one oncountryKids, poppng over from #SharewithMe

  2. Sun seems to cheer everyone up :) All the best to your husband and the video work. :)

  3. Sun has been the best medicine for us too. It really does make us all feel so much better doesn't it? Roll on summer! Best luck to your hubby! Thanks for linking up to Share With Me and the continual support. #sharewithme

  4. SUnshine really does lift our spirits doesn't it. I'm exactly the same. I am living in hope for one hell of an epic summer this year because I think we deserve it. Thanks so much for linking up with the #MadMidWeek Linky.
