Tuesday, 23 February 2016

#SagGoneGrooveOn with Pampers Active Fit

My Son Son is by far that child that always has a saggy nappy. It looks like it needs changing even when it has just been changed. The boy can neck a bottle of drink in next to 20 seconds ( usually fruit shoot before you get bad ideas). It is actually a really impressive actually and a skill he will appreciate when he is older. Anyway more on track a soggy nappy just gets in the way of running, playing and generally any funky dance moves that Son Son wants to throw on a usual pre bedtime night. We have struggled to find a nappy that is comfortable and pracitcal for little Son Son.

We were recently sent a box from Pampers with the new range of active fit nappies and asked to be part of the #SagGoneGrooveOn campaign. The box contained a box of nappies and all we would need to carry out an experiment to find out how much the new magic pods really work.

As you can see above ( well as much as you can through a photo) that it is completely different to any other nappy. The nappy works by soaking up liquid really quick, I poured 150mls into the nappy and to dried in about 10 seconds and was almost dry to touch. I then cut the nappy open to see the magic inside. The magic pods are three long pouches that spread it across the nappy meaning all the liquid is  spread across the nappy resulting in no sag, and a nappy meaning your little one can be comfortable for longer.

We then tried it out on little Son Son who actually loved it. He was such a little star and ran and danced around without it looking saggy at all. The nappies did not restrict him in any way as you can see below. He loved the way they felt but decided to wear wellies and a hat to complete his outfit. I have used many nappies with Son Son and this is the first that hasn't made him sore when running. Defiantly a win with us.

Check out what they look like below its a super cute video (obviously being biased).

We will defiantly be buying the Pampers active fit they are just perfect for toddlers that do not stop.  They give him alot more room and are on the way to big boy pants ( thats a whole other ball game though). The magic pods are an great new invention and worth buying a pack just to try it out. Pampers yet again proving why they are the best nappy brand available.

I’m working with BritMums and Pampers testing Active Fit nappies with new no-sag technology. I have been compensated for my time. All editorial and opinions are my own. Visit http://www.pampers.co.uk/star-product/pampers-active-fit today for more information.


  1. These sound and look great. My daughter always seems to have a wet nappy even when she has just been changed so I will have to give these a go!

  2. Love the photos, the nappy accessorised with welly boots and a funky hat, brilliant!xx

  3. I LOVE the video, what a little star. The nappies sound great, definitely an improvement

    1. Thank you very much. The nappies were great too love pampers.

  4. I'm glad your son can run around without the sag problem! But when it comes to babies, they won't let a bit of sag stop them!

    1. ha not it doesnt stop son son his often he just pulls off when they get too heavy then weeks on the floor!

  5. Oh what a cute video. I am happy to say the nappies stage is way beyond me!

  6. Great photo...always good to get rid of the sag ;)

  7. Awww, they look great. I miss the nappy days.

  8. I am a big fan of pampers nappies and have found they're the best ones for keeping baby dry and comfy

  9. pampers are great - even better if they don't sag now! cute pictures #sharewithme

  10. Bad memories of saggy nappies! Well done Pampers #sharewithme

  11. Ahh what an adorable video - he's certainly got the moves!

    1. aww thank you i think he loved having both mummy and daddies attention and both of us facing cameras at him!

  12. Aw, such a cute advert. I used Nature nappies with my three as they were the most eco BUT if we ever needed to buy another brand it was always pampers as they were the best next option for us, a good fit and no leaks.

    1. We made the video thats my little boy in the video, he was such a super star.

  13. Thanks for sharing your review on #TriedTested this week x

  14. What a great product! I remember those saggy nappies! x

  15. Saggy nappies have been the pits - my boys drink like they're about to go into the desert too! We loved these nappies - no more "swinging hammock" for us! ;)

  16. My boys used to be Pampers boys, I liked them best even back then. I bet the technology has improved hugely since.

  17. Ahh what a cute little video. :) Sounds like a winner. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

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