Sunday, 24 January 2016

Photo A Day - 18th - 24th January

Welcome to yet another week of my photos and general insight into our little lives. Funny thing is my husband said we have become creatures of habit and routine doing the same thing, eating the same things. I suppose that does come with having children sometimes. 

Monday 18th - Lego attacks

I got the Lego out which actually makes me rather happy I could play with it all day. I mean I am an adult and totally out of that phase now. The kids just love to tip it out on the floor and leave it for me to stand on! 

Tuesday 19th January 

Today was my nephews 10th birthday so I spent most the day distracting Ami from asking me 20 times when she could see him. We had a fun day playing at home, we then got called by the school to hear that Asti was ill at school. So off we went to get him and change our plans to see my nephew. Ami was ever so excited she loved her big cousins, poor Asti stayed at home in bed whilst me and the toddlers went along to the little party. 

Wednesday 20th - Home Prison

We were stuck indoors because Asti was off school, I was going slightly insane. Son Son did not cope well with the cold weather  outside so we had no choice but to be indoors, so I decided to fold the massive mountain of washing!!! I came out the other side and now the mountain is back to haunt me yet again. Sadly this was our exciting day add Frozen and a playdate from Ami's friend that was it. Waiting till my husband came home from work. Exciting times sometimes. 

Thursday 21st - Cheesy Chips

Well this photo does no justice, sadly where I work the canteen is so expensive and really crap. I wanted a jacket potato but they sold out and I didn't fancy paying £6 for a meal so went for cheap and cheerful cheesy chips, sadly they actually broke one of my teeth. Not great. I also had woken up with an stinking cold and sore throat but nothing an 13 hour shift can't shift. 

Friday 22nd - Still Ill

Started the day off at work but felt so ill and under the weather so got sent home. Was nice to spend the afternoon in bed and actually recover. Also got to pick the little ones from nursery something that I never get to do. They loved it so much was very cute to see the looks on there faces when they saw it was me. 

 Saturday 23rd - My son can make tea

Yes I know you are so Jel but my son can make tea, today was the first that was actually rather nice. I was feeling a little better so called into work to go in. Before hand had an coffee with one of my friends who I haven't caught up with for a long while. Was nice to go into costa with out having 500 napkins at the ready. Sometimes being a nurse can be incredibly funny you find yourself doing the most odd things, but really I wouldn't want to do anything else. 

Sunday 24th - Bath Time madness

So my lovely children attacked me with bath foam but that wasnt the best thing about today. We had an fab morning at church was an great serve and we all had alot of fun. My husband had turned down  free tickets to an Arsenal Chealsea match to go swimming as a family which was lovely.the kids were estatcic as they saw a frog which I have to be honest I haven't seen one for some time. We had such an fun time swimming it was only a hour long but they got all the inflateables out and floats. Son Son even learned how to tread water and not be so fearful. We lost Asti to the inflatables he was worn out afterwards.

 We came home to watch the poor result from Arsenal today, I bet ,y husband won't be watching match of the day tonight. Sundays are by far mu best days when I am not working. Its the only day of the week we are an family of five. We do things as a family and a blooming love it. Also call the midwife is on too and that is rathe good too. 

So here we are another week has flown by, I really love this post. Not the most exciting post to read if you are not us but sometimes bloggings doing what makes you happy and you know what thats all that matters. I have been blogging for three years (nearly) and I have only just realised that. Its not always about reaching targets although that is rather good feeling. I don't have the most succesful blog, I don't have the time or patience for that, but what I have is a little place to call my own. A little place full of love and adventure. A little place that when my children are teenagers I can loose my self in our stories. 


  1. I love how you say it is not about reaching targets I so agree with you. It is our creative space and our opportunity to write from our heart about our lives. I love the lego pic as I can so relate and the washing lol, awesome pics #pointshoot

  2. Crikey! Those chips must have been hard if they broke your teeth! I feel your pain on that washing too. #pointshoot

  3. Seriously! Cheese and chips! That's the first! lol! & it broke your tooth! Will you be having it again? Instead of paying our £6 for it? Hope it didn't do too much of a damaged. x #PointShoot

  4. That washing picture is hilarious, love it!

    Thanks for linking up with Point + Shoot x
