Saturday, 21 November 2015

We are still here

Where have we been?

Sorry little readers I will be back shortly just haven't have the time or energy to write things down at the moment.

I will be back soon with more days out and bad grammar.

I have found my self bored in the evenings and realised its because I haven't spent the evening glued to my laptop. The plan is  to be back on the ball for November but just enjoying a little peace and time to sort where my head is at. Not in a bad way but more of a recapturing those lost dreams that have been put underfoot for the time being.

I miss writing though this little post has made me see that, I love writing. I blog because of that. I blame being at universoity for what felt like a long time and always spending my evenings writing essays. This little blog is nearly three years old, surely I haven't run out of things to say yet?

Anyway I digress much love to you my faithful blog followers.

Heres a photo of us in case you have forgotten us x

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you're still out there :) look forward to posts when you're ready x
