Saturday, 31 October 2015

Me and Mine - October 2015

Always my favourite photos of the month, the times where we force ourselves to get together and have our photo taken together. I really was not up for it this month I was so full of cold and generally felt grim. I love the photos now though this month has some new favourites. We have done the blue shelter last year but I do love it. Son Son also insisted on wearing his hat for the photos. 

We have had yet another crazy busy month it has gone far too quick. Heres some things we have been loving this last month. 

Daddy has been loving:
- Going to Vienna 
- Few days at Centre parks
- Family time at Mum and Dad's
- Date night with the wife
- Arsenal doing well!

Mummy is loving:
- Daddy being home from travelling. 
- Annual Leave
- Childless days watching suits in bed all day
- Going to Norfolk with the family 
- Little adventures with the kids

Asti is loving
- Half term
- Playing uno and other games with parents
- Fifa Match points 
- Getting first laptop and playing a lot of minecraft
- Match Attax cards 

 Ami is loving
- Pre School and making new friends each day
- Going to Grandad and Nanna Norfolks
- Asking everyone where there mum and dad is
- Adventures outside especially in the sea
- Sneakily watching Horrid Henry

Son Son is loving
- Spending a little time in the toddler room at nursery
- Cuddles with mummy and Daddy
- Playing with cars and planes
- looking out for any moving vehicle he really does love it. 
- swimming 

We didn't plan to take this photo but after we took the shelter ones we headed down to the beach you couldn't miss the glorious sky behind us. So we quickly set up the camera to capture these wonderful colourings. They look almost fake but as we drove round the coast home the sky was a deep crimson against the dark sky it was beautiful.

That is us for another month, Next month See's our baby turn 2 which is a bit scary. I love November though fireworks and preparing for Christmas it gets a bit exciting.


  1. These photos are just gorgeous. I love that blue shelter as a backdrop... and that gorgeous sunset too. Two beautiful settings for some beautiful family photographs. x

  2. Oh I love that you repeated the blue shelter as a backdrop, it's so pretty and I love finding somewhere that can be a constant setting for ever changing children. And then the sunset! Wow how stunning, and totally irresistible for more gorgeous family pictures :)

  3. They are beautiful pictures, the sky is stunning! November is a great one for fun, we have got some lovely things planned.
