Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Always a beauty in my eyes

8 years ago I looked longingly at dresses knowing I was having a boy it all seemed a long way away. I put down the items of clothing and headed for the plain boys clothes (they have improved in recent years). So when I found out a few years later I was having a girl I could not wait for all the dresses and all things cute, but I did hold back. Seeing things in the shops and holding back also trying more neutral clothes that can be passed down.

The other day we were in a shop and Ami got hold of a white straw hat and fell in love with the hat. It is impossible to keep any sort of hat on her so I brought it as she loved it. I then saw a floral dress and thought why not she would look adorable. I placed her in the dress and she put on the hat and she looked the cutest, walking along the prom she seemed so pleased with her new hat. 

She is growing up so fast and such a delight, people say she will be a handful but I think she is just great. She has the best sense of humour and sure does know what she wants and wont stop till she gets it.  Some times its these little things in life that really make you happy, seeing my little girl with a straw hat on the beach for me was one of the cutest things. People commented and she loved having conversations with people.

Sadly on the way home from school it flew of the pushchair and sadly after retracing our footsteps the hat had gone! I am a little sad will have to get another one as she loved it so much.


  1. aww so sad to hear the hat blew away! Such a shame as hats can be so hard to keep on them it's good to hang on to one they love! She does look adorable, we are having a girl (or supposedly we are, I don;t think i will 100% believe it until she is here!) and while I know sensibly she wont need dresses and pretty things.... I am sure she will end up with some anyway! xx #familyfriday

  2. Aww what a shame the hat blew away! It is a lovely outfit #FamilyFriday
