Thursday, 20 February 2014

My 1st Blog Birthday!

Wow today it suddenly hit me, Ive been blogging for a year. When I started I never knew how addictive it could be and I never knew that there would be so many other mothers willing to offer advice and support when feeling a bit rubbish.

This time last year I was a mother of two, I didnt know I was about to fall pregnant and become a mum again. It has been an exciting year, We have been to Disneyland, spring harvest, Camping and Denmark. We have spent plenty of days at the beach and changed plenty of nappies.

I have loved writing these moments down, and have found people actually read my ramblings, that little old dyslexic me with my dodgy writing would actually get views to my blog. Ive learnt about HTML (well still learning) and after many nights sat watching youtube videos and reading blogs Ive worked out how to get these on my page.

Thanks for reading, Thanks for all your coments I have loved them all :)

Heres some highlights of the last year ..

If you really want to get me a present why not vote for me in the MADS as best baby blog ;)


  1. woohoo! Congrats! xxx gorgeous photos :)) good luck in the MADs too x

  2. Aww congrats on your first year #pocolo

  3. Wooohooooo Congrats on your 1st blogannivery :) that's a huge achievement #pocolo

  4. Well done & congrats on your first year!!
    Lovely photos x

  5. Aww how fab! I love the first birthday blackboard photo!! Happy Blogday! #pocolo
    Amy @2boys1mum

  6. Congrats! My blog will be a year old in May!! Well done. Your blog is really good!
    I look at it often :)


    1. Oh thanks that means alot 😃 i often think who's going to want to read my ramblings lol x

  7. Big congrats on your first blog birthday!

  8. Congrats, sounds like you did brilliantly this year! #PoCoLo

  9. Happy Blogoversary! Sounds like an incredible first year for so many reasons! Good luck with the ones ahead! #PoCoLo
