Thursday, 7 November 2013

Reason to be Cheerful Week 37

Its that time of week to share the things that make you happy the little and the big blessings that happen in life. If you have not taken part before find out more over at Mummy from the Heart blog where Michelle started this linky well over three years ago to write the things she has been blessed about so why not find out more and take part your self if you haven't already.

1) We traveled and arrived safely home from Denmark, after a week on mission with children and being heavily pregnant I was glad to be home. We saw some great things and had a good time encouraging young people in Denmark. The kids loved it and were really good for there dad on the plane home! I managed to have a day to myself whilst waiting for them to arrive home (I had traveled back the day before by car as to far gone to fly) I got my nails done and went out for lunch was lovely. 

2) Due date is finally upon us, we will have a baby very soon! I have felt nothing so far, no twinges, no pushing down so I expect he is taking after his Dad and being late! Everything is all ready for him and I am looking forward to a baby that doesnt wreck everything and is into everything. 

3) Pants is back to school and has started with a good week, he started an after school pottery club in which he is really enjoying. He even has been saying the teacher said he has been listening well, I shall find out the truth of this next week at parents evening. 

4) We booked a holiday yesterday to France for next summer very exciting, we have never been abroad for a holiday as a family. Also many of Matts brother and sisters are going including his mum and dad so should be good fun.

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart


  1. phew glad you are home safe! and with a birth and a holiday to look forward to

  2. OH I bet the travel home, in a car wasn't too comfy either!?

    Good luck in the coming week! hopefully some news soon xx

    1. it wasnt too bad had an amzing pregnancy pillow that made the journey not too bad!!

  3. It's great to have a holiday to look forward to - especially as life will soon become focused on a very small person. I so love having a little baby in the house, but it is all consuming! It's good you're being relaxed about the due date (I guess with two already you know the score!) - mine were all 10 days late, so I tended add 10 days when I told people when I was due after number 2. All the best x

    1. thanks yes my other two were a week late so have been sticking to that date lol

  4. Was concerned for you so am delighted to read this post. All the very best with the impending arrival.

    1. thanks I think everyone was but he looks like he is staying put for the time being!!
