Friday, 8 November 2013

Airwrap Mesh Baby Cot Bumper

The other day I had an experience I never want to repeat. I put Ami down for a nap and went to sort some washing out and a few minutes later I hear Ami cry. This wasn't any cry, not a cry that she cant sleep but a cry as if she was in pain. My heart thudded and I ran into her room, the look of sheer terror was on her face and tears running down her cheaks, she had got her leg caught in the bars. I rushed over and wedged her leg up out of the bars and gave her a huge cuddle. 

I had a little moment of panic what if her leg doesn't come out, what will I do how can I help my baby. We sat down on the sofa whilst I comforted her and she cried in confusion and tiredness. thankfully she wasn't hurt. So when we got offered to review the Airwrap Mesh Bumper I jumped at the chance, I never want to experience that again. Ami is a typical toddler and doesn't stay still when asleep. I often go in the bed and find her the opposite end of the cot or lying width ways in the cot. 

We received the bumper in no time at all, and I put it on the cot straight away. The great thing its completely safe, the material is breathable and unlike traditional bumper it folds down when stepped on so cant be used to climb out of the cot. A relief to hear when you have a toddler who loves to climb. 

I love that it came in white, its very neutral and can have a calming effect when settling for sleep. I think it looks cosy the soft sides can distract Ami from the environment around her. The soft material is a bonus when it comes to babies bashing the sides of the cots when sleeping and waking up. I like that the material isn't to thick too so has conflicted any space in the cot. 

I recommend this to any parent who is looking to purchase a bumper, I have read that traditional bumpers can be unsafe and can be a contributing factor to SIDS. This bumper is different its breathable and safe to use beyond 6 months. It can help stop getting limbs trapped which is an issue when babies start to move. The Airwrap bumper isn't too expensive and Retails at £24.99 over at not a huge price for peace of mind when they are sleeping. Also check out Babydino on facebook and twitter

Disclaimer: We received this Bumper for a review, all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Saz, Im sorry to hear about your little ones sad experience. I agree - it could cause moment of panic, so one of those bumper set could be very handy in terms of safe and snug environment. Cheers.
