Monday, 29 February 2016

Me and Mine - Febuary 2016

So another month is over for this year and its come by as quick as the last. We have had a busy month with work and home life. My husband has been to Denmark this past week and me and the children have been enjoying the sunshine out a bit more. 

This month Daddy is loving: 
- Going to Denmark and having alot of fun.
- Getting some more work locally
- Learning how to fix washing machines ( not really) 
- Being creative and thinking of new ideas.

Mummy is loving: 
- Daddy coming home (he was only gone four days but felt forever).
- Walks in the Sunshine. 
- Some time off work
- Watching Impractical Jokers with the hubby. 
- Forgetting the diet and gone back to eating chocolate for breakfast (Doh). 

Asti is loving: 
- Playing video games 
- Finding his scooter and going down ramps on it. 
- Reading all the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. 
- drinking tea and biscuits
- Having a fry up with Mummy 

Ami is loving:
- Bike Riding even down big ramps
- Finally being 3 and a half, its a big deal you know. 
- Seeing her friends 
- Mummy picking her up from nursery
- Playing in the garden. 

Son Son is loving:
- Thomas the Tank engine, especially his new vests. 
- Daddy coming home.
- Cuddles and kisses. 
- Ami having a poo in the bath
- Talking alot more. 
- Playing in the garden with Ami. 

I love this time of year, the nights are getting lighter. I keep on finding myself checking the time and thinking its earlier than it is then rushing to sort dinner. Time at the park after school is becoming a bit more tolerable, Son Son is the one who gets cold. The other day he was so cold he cried all the way home. Time is going too fast I know I say this every month but it just does. 


  1. Oh isn't it lovely having the light back - even if it does mess with my head as to what time it is! You look so very chilly but happy in your pictures - worth the cold for every breath of fresh air!

  2. Yay to chocolate for breakfast! haha. These photos are lovely and I'm with you on the lighter nights - roll on spring xx

  3. I always love your family captures so full of fun and smiles. Chocolate for breakfast love it. #meandmineproject

  4. A great set of fun family pics for the #meandmineproject! I love the lighter evenings too!
