Tuesday, 20 October 2015

We don't do Halloween in our house

Some people think I am a bit crazy because we do not do Halloween. That is fine you are entitled to your opinion. See I used to do Halloween as a child but then all it involved was carving a pumpkin and maybe wearing a cheap plastic mask. It seems now days everywhere you turn its all so scary. Our local sainsburys has three hanging zombies that is terrifying for children to look at. It creeps me out I won't take the kids there.

Nowadays Halloween seems to be such a big thing but it's not something I want my children to be a part of. It may seem like I am missing something out of there childhood but there is a lot of evil stuff that goes on I don't want it in my house. I don't want my son to dress up as something that needs fake blood. He gets nightmares from adverts of horror films why would I bring it into our homes. I've always been a scared person and hated horror films it just freaks me out.

Then there is the trick or  treating part, we spend the whole year saying don't talk to strangers yet let them walk up to someone's house in return for sweets. When my Nanna was alive she used to get egged every Halloween, she was too slow to get up to answer the door and the kids would egg her house. She had her pounds ready too ungrateful kids. 

This all may seem a little silly but I just don't like scary things. We are going to a different party instead one that is for friendly things (because we are wimps) my son got nightmares from minecraft he is rather sensitive.  This has had some negatives my nine year old is usually happy to not do Halloween has been protesting to go trick or treating. All his friends do it why can't I? We have said it was something we do not do and we can do something else much more fun. We will see it's hard for him with a lot of peer pressure from his class. It's not something we want to encourage, also where we live there aren't many other families it's not as if there is a lot of children trick or treating. 

We will do a pumpkin though last year we did peppa pig so was thinking of a minecraft pumpkin. It will give us something to do during half term. Maybe make a leaf garland or something not as frightening.

I do not know how long we will be able to ignore it or not do it? Will we cave when the toddlers are older? One thing I love it when its all over as it makes way for my favourite time of the year Christmas woop whoop

Whats your opinion? Do you do Halloween in your home?


  1. We don't do halloween either! Instead we focus on the chanhge of seasons and enjoy all things autumnal!!

    1. Yeah us too its good to celebrate something after all the warm sunshine, I miss it so already sob sob

  2. Oh I am so with you on this. Alas my wife is more pro-Halloween so we have to make an accommodation. A bit of dressing up I can live with (grudgingly) but anything more, no. I certainly can't abide trick or treating. ANd why do people wish each other "happy Halloween"? What is there to be happy about?? #MMWBH

    1. Ha oh dear, two of my children hate dressing up and only one as a princess which is rather funny.

  3. It seems a shame that the kids miss out on the fun parts but the Superhero party instead sounds pretty good! #MMWBH

    1. Ha yeah we did it last year its called a light party, the kids loved it. I think the kids get so much we are actually saving there teeth lol

  4. I can't see me getting on board with halloween. Scary films are not my thing. My son's birthday is close to the big H so hopefully I'll be able to distract him with that when he's older! #sharewithme

  5. I'm with you Sara, I see no reason to celebrate all things dark and evil. It is certainly not harmless fun as far as I am concerned. Mich x

  6. I am the same we don't do scary anything in this house while I absolutely love halloween the carving the baking the decorating the costume fun and the pumpkin patches I don't like the scary masks that come to my door to trick or treat or the spookiness of haunted houses. love I am not the only one. The girls look cute in princess dresses. Thank you ever so much for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again tomorrow for another great round up and hope you have been enjoying the blog hop. #sharewithme
