Monday, 5 January 2015

Winter beach Traditions - Southwold Trip

You may be surprised to know that I love the beach. It can be any beach I just feel very much at home at the beach. As a teenager my friends called me stig of the beach as I would run round with no shoes on with wild hair it really was a little embarassing looking back. That love has never left me it can be any beach I just feel content and free.

So when it came to our annual Southwold trip I was teasing that we do this every year but secretly loved it. Please if you know norfolk well what else can you do there? We were also happy to go as My in laws are moving this year so we may not go every Christmas. I just enjoy getting out the house when we are away. Maybe one time we may go in the summer when it isnt so cold! 

This years highlights were crashing waves, all the kids loved chasing the waves and trying not to get soaked by them. Pants was pleased he had his wellies on as he could wade through the tide. I then caught some of the kids climbing fof a large pipe over deep cold waves. After some time on the beach we then went and had some chips and a walk on the pier exploring all the little shops. I let Little Bear walk a little bit and he enjoyed the freedom of being able to walk around, although this added some presure as Ami ran one way Littke bear the other and Pants was somewhere else. 

It was a fun trip and we followed it up with a little trip to the little town, something we never have done before even after all the trips we have had. The boys went and sat in costa to use the wifi and watch football, whislt me and Ami looked around the shops. 

This was my fave part really staying at my inlaws at Chritmas is rather manic lots of family it can be hard to get some downtime just the five of us. The weather may have been chilly but we had a lovely time.


  1. Aww so cute! I need to pluck up the courage to visit the beach in the winter, less people more fun haha

  2. Looks like a great day! I'm pretty sure I've been to Southwold but it was about 15 years ago!

  3. Its just as much fun visiting the seaside in the cold windy weather as it is in the sun , looks like you had lots of fun :)

  4. We live near the beach and it's my favourite place to be in the winter, when it's all bare and windswept - just gorgeous!

  5. I always wanted to live near the beach. I love love kids photos on the beach. Something so free and playful about them winter or summer. Lovely post glad you had such a great time all together. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

  6. aw i do wish i lived closer to the shore was only looking at one yesterday but area was no good for us so had to decline it , i dont mind going in any weather though
