Saturday 3 August 2013

My little bear your one!

My little bear your one
This last year has gone so so fast
It has been such a blessing you light up our days 
Thanks for being my special little princess

 Its been an exciting month you finally mastered the walk and now dont stop
you walk and hold hands 
your so determined you know what you want 
you have even started to run 

 You love to play with your brother and follow him everywhere
you love to go to the beach and swim and play in the sand
you have learnt to climb the sofa and take great joy in doing so

you love to dance especially at church
you have just done your first mission and loved being around people
you love to explore your such an adventurer 
you make us smile so so much 

We love you so so much Ami bear please slow down growing up your so independent love you Amelie bear Happy First Birthday
love Mummy Daddy and Aston 


  1. Happy 1st Birthday Amiiiii!!!!
    Hope she has a wonderful day. She's so beautiful & amazing. Well done for raising another such a wonderful little person xx

  2. What lovely words. Happy belated birthday. Popping by from the MMWBH x

  3. awww this is such a beautiful post! and what a lovely idea with the chalk board too! xx

  4. Lovely photos, what a great way to remember! x

  5. Beautiful words and pictures - LOVE that blackboard. Happy birthday gorgeous girl. Thanks for linking to PoCoLo x

  6. Happy 1st Bithday!!! I love the blackboard!
    My son is almost 11 months and has just taken his first steps!

    Thanks for linking up with the #MMWBH

    Mum of a Premature Baby ||
