Thursday, 25 April 2013

My week so Far. We love the sunshine!

Sorry have been very quiet as of late my sister borrowed my laptop and couldn't get blogger to work on my phone (what a wally)!  anyway we have had a very good week, not done alot but enjoyed Mr sunshine! 

Monday we saw my sister and her two boys they had been to wrestle mania so was full of stories about wrestling Pants loved to hear! i heard all about the fights then we often had to stop all the boys from acting the moves out on each other! 

Tuesday me and Ami had a picnic before getting Pants then we went to the beach that's at the end of our road! it was Amis first experience of Sand she loved it and was very curious, she liked the texture in her hands! Pants took of to the sea were he attempted to swim in the nice chilly April water but it didn't stop him! he came back soaking but happy! Ami even made it to a paddle it was nice i had briefly forgotten about warmer weather! 

Wednesday was more chilled the sun was out briefly me and Ami went for another picnic but the weather turned cloudy so we headed home, i got changed into less summery clothes for the school run didn't want to be cold but then was boiling had to take tights of in school toilets lol! We also saw my mum who has recently  started a new job and said because we hadn't seen us lately shed take us to tesco and Mac Donald's (very random but that is my mum, shes always like it)! Also had our first cafe Church had a guest speaker called Carl Willis he was really good! was really refreshing night!

Thursday (today) we help out at the toddler group held at our church! i sit in the baby area with my good friend Leanne were not much use but i suppose were there! then my husband took me out for lunch we went and sat on a prom were he tested out some kit he had made for his camera! some kind of slide thing to do with getting a steady shot (must listen more) ! Then me Pants and Ami went to the beach! Pants wanted to go crabbing but we didnt find any crabs must be too cold still! Ami was a pain today on the beach she kept on eating the sand and being a pickle about it so put her in the pushchair, she kicked of big time but i remember pants as a baby eating sand then we were up A & E because he was so poorly! Chucked the kids in the bath and of out i was again (two nights in a row) been doing a course about Prophesy at a local church, been interesting! 

So what sounded like a quiet week in my head now looks busy! loving the warmer weather sad its going back to normal tomorrow! we have a spring ball tomorrow at our church very interesting not sure what to expect but it will be good fun i bet!

Me and my bubba bear


  1. I am so glad you had a lovely time! i love the beach pictures #PoCoLo

    1. Thanks yes been a good week! lack of crabs in the sea Pants wasnt pleased!

  2. It looks like you have had a great week. It's so refreshing to see lots of sunny photos instead of just snow!! Thank you for linking up to PoCoLo :) xx

  3. aw what great pictures, looks like you had fun :)

  4. What a lovely week you have had,those photos are gorgeous,lets keep our fingers crossed for another week of sun :-) x

    1. yes its been lovely i think the sun is shining but not as warm! :)
