Monday, 14 October 2013

Our very own Penguin Peter

So whos peter you may be asking? is this the new baby no no no, Peter has been around along time. I brought Peter from WHSmiths in London Victoria train station  on my way back from Bristol as felt bad hadn't brought Pants a present after I had been away a few days. Pants was 3 at the time and fell in love with Peter!

This silly Peter Penguin has traveled with us every where we go! He has been to Disneyland Paris, Paralymic Games and generally most places we end up! He is a magnet too, when Pants was in toddler groups peter would often get pinched by other children which usually ending with that child receiving a klout from Pants for trying to take his beloved Penguin.

Although I thought recently Pants hasnt mentioned Peter too much and Ami has taken over loving Peter! Finding her in her cot asleep and cuddling up to Peter has been sweet. But Pants asked him to be washed and placed back in his bed where his sister cant find him! Ami has her own penguin called Penelope but its no Peter.

I find it incredible sweet, this silly penguin has had so much love and its just a stuffed toy! I had a similar teddy called twinkleberry and couldn't be parted! I love that Peter has his own voice and that friends and family even recognise this Penguin and ask Pants about Peter!

Sadly Peter hasn't had it easy, after a wash Peter received a minor burn to his bottom area! Silly mummy when trying to dry him quickly so Pants could take him to his nans put a hairdryer to him! sadly this didnt dry him and caused a ring burn! Pants was divested but that was 3 years ago now and Peter copes just fine! In fact makes him different to other Penguins!

Peter had a baby (mother unknown) 

Dressed up Peter

Peter in the car on a journey

This is Peter having a stare out with a dog!

Sophisticated Peter

Peter had a staring role on TV

Peter used as a pillow

Peter on the way to Disneyland 

Sleepy Pants and Peter

Newborn ami wasnt a lover of Peter

Hanging with Peter
A kiss for Peter

Peter at athletics at the Paraympics

Peters Burn
Ami trying to steal Peter!
Much loved Penguin!

Does your child (or you) have a favorite soft toy? 


  1. I love this - I am obsessed with Penguins, and this is a cuddly toy to which my baby will most certainly be having around!! My room is covered and I have pretty much everything in penguins, from pants - to mugs - to bookmarks! xx

    1. I love penguins too! they are just too cute, It was my sister who is super penguin mad who got him obsessed with penguins!

  2. Brilliantly fun photos. Love the burn ring, made me smile no end, can't think why though - oops! Sorry how rude!

  3. We are a family of penguin lovers too.

  4. how fantastic peter is brill!! :-)

  5. Fab post, Peter certainly gets around!

  6. Ahh, Peter is LOVELY, I love him :) Grace has a pink blanket with a picture of a giraffe on it. It is called her bo bo (I had one when I was a child!). Thanks for linking to PoCoLo x

    1. funny, i still have twinkleberry am a lover still of soft toys!

  7. What an absolutely fab post - love this and love the photos. You want to be careful - Peter could end up with his own fanbase!!!!! Peter ROCKS....... #PoCoLo

    1. Ha thanks, he already has a few fans, someone said when they have children could i get them a Peter! Dont think pants would part with him!

  8. Love the pictures of Peter the Penguin everywhere with the kids - and he's been a tv star! Nothing better than a beloved cuddly.

    1. ha i think its more me more than them! before pants started school they had a teddy bears picnic Pants took 3 teddies!

  9. Aww Peter is fab!! Lovely post x

    1. thanks, funny post sometimes just enjoy writing about random things, spent all night sourcing photos!
