Wednesday, 8 August 2018

National Doll Day with Baby Annabell

Did you know it was National Doll day on the 5th? 

Well, we did of course... we celebrated like we do every day with me pretending to be the Nanna whilst Ami went to work and I was left with the baby dolls. Often during the day, I get a call to say the dolls are having a sleepover and she’s off out with her friends. Obviously if your reading this it’s all make-believe and my 6-year-old daughter does not work or have a better nightlife than me but she likes to pretend she does. I enjoy it when my mother comes round as I say give the baby to great grandma, she loves that.

As I digress into our endless play of dolls we were sent the very important doll that’s been very sought after in our house... drum roll, please... it’s the Baby Annabell brother interactive doll. Ami has been after this and it was top of her birthday list (she’s been planning her birthday for months). She had seen it on adverts and really wanted the doll. Obviously, she has tons of babies what can be so special about another doll.

We have the baby Annabell doll and Ami really enjoys playing with it. The brother doll is just the same and has all the same accessories that Annabell has but rather than striking blue eyes the brother doll has dark brown eyes. The heart on the tummy is also blue rather than pink. 

Baby Annabell’s Baby Brother is a rather cute doll, he looks great and he is interactive too. All he needs is three AA batteries. He comes with his own baby bottle which can be filled with water, a nappy, a dummy, bib and a little lamb locket with a photo of himself. Soft bodied with a hard head.

One of Amis favourite features is the fact that he actually drinks from his bottle. He even cries when it’s time to be burped and has some wind. He makes cute noises and even moves his mouth when you play with him. I find my self-rocking the baby and holding it like a real baby. He sucks on his dummy too which Ami thinks is the sweetest. He even blinks and shuts his eyes to sleep. 

Ami loves changing nappies on her dolls
So when she found out that he actually pees she couldn’t fill that bottle up quick enough. All you do is fill the bottle up and feed he baby and when you're ready you press the blue heard on the tummy. Then he tiddles away. You can use a potty or even the nappy provided. 

We are big fans of baby Annabell dolls, if you followed this blog you would know the number of dolls we actually have. One thing I love is the quality of the dolls. We have had another interactive doll for a
A few years now and it’s still going strong. Although he does sound similar to the interactive baby Annabell doll it hasn’t made a difference to Ami she loves him. With Ami she loves anything real life and how much more real can you get than a doll that pees. 

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