Sunday, 11 March 2018

Giant Paddington floor Puzzle by Ravensburger Review

I don't know if you have seen the latest Paddington film. We saw it a few times at the cinema mainly because the one time we did go one of the children was sick and we had to leave the cinema to collect the said child. We did enjoy the film so we were ever so excited to try out the puzzle. The puzzle is 60 pieces and aimed at children aged four and above and is quite large in size when put together. Son Son is going through a stage of loving puzzles so I knew he would love this one.

If you don't know who Paddington bear is then seriously where have you been? He is the cutest bear and my little ones adore him. The puzzle is bright and comes with a fun design of Paddington writing postcards about all the places he has visited in London. This was great fun as they remembered some places we had visited in the past on the puzzle too.

The puzzle is a good size and the pieces fit together well. They are strong so won't break too easily like some of our other puzzles had. The pieces fit in the box meaning it can be stored away and the pieces don't get lost. All in all, I wouldn't say it was a giant puzzle but ideal size for them not to be too bored when making it. Ami and Son Son have both done this puzzle a few times and they fight over who gets Paddington bear.

The puzzle retails at £12.99 and retails at most toyshops or search through this link for more puzzles and products from Ravensburger. Also, dont forget Paddington 2 comes out on DVD on the 12th we have actually pre-ordered it because we loved it so much.

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