Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Wicked Wednesday - Lost children

When you loose your baby to find they have hidden themselves in a locker. I did the thing any normal parent does and took a photo, a man saw me do it and gave me the most filthy look ever. I thought it was quite smart of him to get in the locker all by himself. 


  1. Haha love it. If they fit then it works. And you've always got to take a photo first! #WickedWednesdays

  2. Haha love it. If they fit then it works. And you've always got to take a photo first! #WickedWednesdays

  3. Wow what a little explorer, screw the guy.. it was worth it.

  4. Brilliant! And what else were you supposed to do but take a photo?? #wickedwednesdays

  5. Haha! I do exactly the same with whipping out my phone... at least you're keeping your most valuable possession safe ;) xx #wickedwednesdays

  6. hahaha! That made me laugh out loud! I would have taken a photo too x

  7. He obviously doesn't know what great material it is! Clearly not a blogger! Brilliant fit! #wickedwednesday

  8. You totally have to take a picture lol it was too perfect not too! #wickedwednesday

  9. There's always someone to turn their nose up at parents, I wouldn't worry - lots of us would have done the same (me included!)

  10. Oh whatever you do someone would always look at you weird! He looks so adorable and yes perfect size for that locker =P


  11. Ha ha ha! Amazing! Thanks so much for linking up. Have a lovely weekend and I hope to see you this week on #wickedwednesdays x
