Sunday 13 March 2016

My Sunday photo - Margate

It's been stunning weather here in East Kent over the last 3 days. Sadly I have been at work all these days, so have been staring out the window wishing I was outside. It made me think that Spring is just round the corner and I am so glad. I took this photo on my way into work yesterday. My only glimpse of the sunshine before being in a stuffy hospital all day. 


  1. Beautiful view, I hope Spring is just around the corner. Bored of the grey days now

    Thank you for linking up

  2. Wow! Keep on meaning to go to Margate this will spur me on

  3. What a view! That is just beautiful x

  4. It's been beautiful in cornwall too, makes everything seem so much happier. Lovely view there

  5. Pictures like this do make me wish I was closer to the sea! Loving the blue sky - Spring *must* be on its way by now!

  6. Lovely weather and the view is stunning! #mysundayphoto

  7. Lovely to see a beach...were Chas 'n' Dave there? :)
