Thursday, 31 March 2016

Me and Mine - March 2016

March what a funny month it always feels very rushed when Easter is earlier on in the year. This whole year feels like every week there's something new I will be glad to have a free April. Hasn't the weather been lovely these past few weeks. Going outside without coats has been such a luxury. 

Sorry for such a brief post and only none photo my Mac seems to have problems uploading photos. My husband says it's something to do with two photo folders I don't know what I am doing to be honest. So I am writing a quick post before I shoot of to work for a gruelling 13 hours. Teach me for saving things to last minute. We also went to watch the new batman film super late feeling it this morning. Need to make better life choices bed is always a good option.

Anyway I digress will update the rest on my break if I get one or after work. Happy me and mine day folks. Always my favourite post of the month.


  1. I love this picture - it looks like a fabulous beach for exploring! #MeandMineProject

  2. I love this so fun and you always at the beach so jealous. Looks like it was a lovely day together. #meandmineproject

  3. We've spent a couple of days at the beach this month too! Lovely photo x
