Sunday, 19 April 2015

Messy play for beginners - part 3 dreaded painting

With my first child I was always scared of painting more got on the floor and walls than on the paper and because of that I have avoided it until more recently. I decided to face my fear and do some painting at home. I got all the paint ready and the approns out and was ready to go. My eldest was far too cool to join in so it was just me and the toddlers. 

Ami loved it she is used to doing painting at nursery and was very neat washing the brush between each use and keeping it all on the paper. She painted a fish and many similar shapes and painted 10 pictures. She stuck to mainly red and pink and experimented with mixing the colours.

Son son enjoyed using th rush and his fingers to completely cover the picture, himself and the high chair too. He used what ever he could get on the paper and ever painted it with water. He enjoyed eating the paint too, obviously not something we encourage. He had green hands for the rest of the day as he refused to let me give them a good clean the little monkey. 

They both enjoyed the painting and it was a success. There wasn't too much to clear up or really set up. They made minimal mess and because we painted in the kitchen it was easily cleaned up if it went on the floor. I think next time we use paints we will experiment with using stamps and using other textures to create patterns. 

An easy messy play activity and they painted for about 20 minutes before getting bored. Good fun alol round and mummy didn't find it too stressful eithe


  1. I'm a bit wary of doing messy play at home and we've never dabbled in painting! But I've got some to review so I really do need to bite the bullet and get messy!

  2. Well done, it can be difficult getting started with painting and very messy, but I always think it is never as bad as you think it is going to be. They look like they are having a great time! #Sharewithme

  3. Do love a bit of messy play - just make sure everything's protected from spillages! Ray xx #MMWBH

  4. Messy play is wonderful. :D :D We love doing that here too!


  5. I have been saying it for a while I really need to get into messy play. Its holding my kids creative sides back so I need to get my thinking cap on and start doing something now. This is lovely hun. So much fun! Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

  6. I always want to do messy play with my little ones but i am scared of the actual mess . This looks like fun though so i might have to get the paints out and let my toddler lose as she loves colouring x #sharewithme

  7. Haha, god I am so guilty of avoiding messy play! As there's just sooo much cleaning to do, and do we not do enough already!? Haha! I will embrace it more though for sure and thanks for linking up! #MMWBH x
