Friday, 31 July 2015

Me and Mine - July

Where has July gone? I know I say this every month but this month has flown. We have yet another busy month juggling work and family life. Im glad its finally the summer holidays at long last and look forward to many sunny days ahead (one can hope).

Me and the kids have been volentering at an event in our area called Scripture union. My parents sent me and my sisters as kids so I have been going since I was small. I love it still now its such good fun, so have the kids they have had a blast. I am not there now though sadly back (it's my birthday today too)  to work then six whole days off! Woo woo!

This Month Daddy is loving-
- West Witering Beach
- Family time 
- Fun Work Opportunities 

Mummy is loving - 
- Scripture Union
- being with my family
- Sunny Days

Asti is loving -
- No school for six weeks
-making new friends
- being given more freedom aka crossing the road on his own. 

Ami is loving -
- Her birthday coming up
- Sports day at nursery
- tiddlers at scripture union 

Son Son is loving
- Making new friends
- lots of cuddles
- starting to say words. 

We used our new camera for the photos and got someone else to take it always a risk especially when you have set up the photo then they take a step back! No beach this month sorry guys.


  1. Oh you all sounds so busy and full of fun this month. Lovely family photo for July hunny. Have a great weekend. Popping over from #meandmine from sunny USA. :)

  2. Sounds like a fun month! Well done for volunteering, it sounds like you all enjoy it.
