Friday, 22 March 2013

Flash back Friday - Love

I found this photo of Me and Matt before we were married! We were at one of Matts friends wedding someone had taken this photo we didnt even know it had been taken! I love this photo we both look so happy (not that we don't now) photos now days at weddings usually exists of me holding a baby Matt holding a camera! Like most weddings we go to people generally panic beforehand and call Matt to film there wedding! We were getting married in three months and excited to start our journey together! I love looking at this it makes me happy especially when Matt is working away! next week he is away for 18 days :( boo!

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  1. Oh thats a heart melting photo, you both look so much in love with each other. Ahhhhhhhh :)

    1. Thanks although unsure why i have sunglasses on my head!

  2. Aww that is a gorgeous photo. You know it is love when a million things can be going on around you and yet it's just like it is only you 2 there in your own moment. Lovely!

    1. Ha ha wonder what the photo would be now days!

  3. Oh that is such a gorgeous photo, how lovely that someone captured that moment for you, amazing!

  4. *that* is such a romantic photo filled with such love and i love that you were both completely unaware that that moment had been captured forever on film. my OH and I dont have any photos of the two of us - the boys take priority in all the photos nowadays
    thanks for linking up x x

    1. ha yes i think it was a wedding where no kids were invited otherwise its usually one of us with one of the kids lol! xx

  5. You look so happy and in love. Lovely :)
