Thursday, 16 June 2016

Educational Play the Schleich Way

My little ones love playing with animal toys, its something I have always loved myself and tried to encourage. I often have placed animals in our messy play tray and it has provided alot of time for the little ones to enjoy making up little stories and generally getting really messy. We have a small selection of Schleich toys and they are always the ones I love to look at the toy shop (ok I am a little sad). They are such fantastic quality though and worth the investment they are indestructible too.  

We have been looking at the new Schleich Brochure which is by far more than a catalogue of the toys but a guide into getting the most through play with these toys. The best thing its free and you can download it here right now and check it out ( Link in the Side Bar). 

It covers a whole range of things including the perfect play balance, it helps to encourage play and communication skills. Also for the parents like me who I have to admit can find it hard to come up with things to do with the children comes with helpful hints to get the best out of the Schleich products. 

In the Brouchure it explains about the benefits of helping you child to play freely. It contained facts about the importance of active, social, creative and free types of play. 

It is packed with plenty of fun game ideas too, the one I love the best is the setting up the scenes for the children. I do find this hard to come up with new stuff for them to do. Another important thing it had was a section about siblings. As I have two children with a very small age gap they often have to play together. Which can be hard as one loves sitting down the other loved running around, it can be hard to find something to suite both of them. 

They love the Schleich toys I often find a few in my bag and perfect for them to play on the move. I have often been known to whip out a killer whale during a dinner out somewhere but the kids enjoy playing with them. Schleich products have been going for 80 years I think that means they are defiantly worth the quality.

You can find out more about Schleich toys on their website, along with a handy Store Locator to find your nearest stockist

Disclaimer: We were sent a few of the animals pictured about for return for writing about the brochure.

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