
Tuesday 16 September 2014


Its hard thing to say I now have a 8 year old!
When? where? how?
8 years of being a mum
8 years of feeling that love for someone so much so its like your heart leaving your body.
8 years of joy, love, frustration (at times), patience, kindness and a lot of laughs.

See my Asti Pants is very special, he really is. 
This year he lost a tooth then carried on loosing 4 more, 
he was cross as he was one of the last in his class. 
He has finished high above average in school and made us really proud.
He loves to be center of attention and had often we are told tales of him asking the teacher the most random questions. 

He plays on the football team and when he pays attention he plays well.
Often we are found shouting from the sidelines concentrate.
I often wonder where he gets all his spark and confidence from, 
he will do well when he is older with such fearlessness from.

He has become the best big brother, having to endure two little ones at the park is rather embarrassing for any boy, but they both adore him. Ami climbs up into his bunk bed and tries to wake him every morning. Little bear likes a cuddle from pants too and Asti has been a great help when daddy is away.

So happy birthday Pants
may you have yet another awesome year.
We may not tell you enough but we think you are rather awesome. 


  1. Aw Happy Birthday Pants! I can just imagine those years flying by - my big one has just turned five but I can imagine 8 and then 10 and then teen - sob! :-) X #sharewithme

  2. Ah what beautiful photos. Happy birthday Pant! x x x

  3. Happy birthday to your big boy. Time just flies but it is lovely to watch them grow up.


  4. Happy birthday to your lovely little boy. I can see you in him so much. WOW! Love the losing teeth stage. So cute. Don't they grow up fast? Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me and for all the continual blog support. #sharewithme

  5. He sounds like such a wonderful young lad. He has SO got your eyes :) Gorgeous post #sharewithme

  6. Lucas & Grace say - Happy Birthday Pants!! You sound an AWESOME dude so sending you XL MEGA High-5's for your 8th birthday :) #MMWBH

  7. Great post & Happy Birthday Pants - hope you had an awesome birthday :) #MMWBH

  8. A big Happy Birthday to Pants - lovely birthday post and really nice pics too. :)
